The problem of preserving the Russian language
Have you ever thought about the importance of your native language in the life of a Russian person? About this in his journalistic article argues literary critic S. Kaznacheev.
The author raises the problem of the development and preservation of the Russian language, the use of words or symbols that belong to foreign languages, namely their excessive use. which can lead to the extinction of Russian speech.
Today our language is very clogged with various jargon, colloquial and foreign words, and the originally Russian words are gradually forgotten. And the Russian people are conscious of this bitter and insulting. After all, at the present time the young generation ceases to appreciate the merits of such people as Cyril and Methodius, who gave us the alphabet, V. Dal, who gave his whole life to the study of the Russian language and hardly anyone of those living in the 21st century wondered at what price these people were given their merits.
The author is convinced that the “blind” use of borrowings today leads to a distortion of the alphabet, the destruction of Russian words, the disruption of the functioning of the language, the loss of cultural traditions.
I agree with the author that the thoughtless adoption of symbols and letters from other alphabets for the sake of attracting attention will not lead to anything good.
I will give a fairly common example – communication in social networks. Very often for speed of correspondence people cut, distort and come up with new ugly words, which is very sad. Such words, as well as incorrect spelling, are easily remembered and later manifested in your written speech.
After reading the article by S. Kaznacheeva, I realized that the competent composition of words, the preservation of the Russian language, the revival and development of cultural traditions is an important matter for present and future generations.