The problem of human responsibility for life on Earth in the novel by Ch. Aitmatov “Burannyi polustanik”

The thought of the responsibility of man for life on Earth is present in every work of the writer, because in this he sees the meaning of a person’s life.

Burannyi Edigey is one of those on which the earth holds. He is associated with his era, he is the son of his time. He does not occupy responsible posts, he is just a man and a hard worker. For a writer, a person is significant with deeds, hard work, so in the novel “Burannyi polustanik” the world is shown through the fate of a front-line soldier, a railway worker, who is working hard. He is not faceless, he has his own life line, his opinion, his very not simple assessments of what is happening. According to Ch. Aitmatov, in the clash of the eternal and current in the life of a working man, his spiritual world and personal traits are revealed.

In the center of his novel, which takes place in the 90s of the XX century, Ch. Aitmatov put Edigey Zhangeldinov. The life path of the generation of Edigey and his friend Kazangap is difficult, they have suffered serious tests: war, repression of false accusations, the work of railway crawlers in the area where the trains sweep without slowing down. “To live on the Sarozek sidings – one must have a spirit, otherwise you will perish.” All around, only the steppe and camels. “How much snow was thrown in by hand!” Young railwaymen are now laughing at this: “They were leaving for you, old people, you fools”. ” When such “reappraisers” met, Kazangap and Edigey did not pay attention to them. Life was not done by chatterboxes, but by hard workers. A man on earth is very responsible! As Kazangap said: “For everything that happens on earth, there is and must be demand. Good will be taken away from you – you will not be lost, you will survive! But the soul remains trampled, this will not be done with anything. “

The people of the industrious soul in the novel are joined by the brotherhood – “they are always able to distinguish one another and understand, and if you do not understand, then think about it.” So around the “old” gathered young, those who shared their views, worked hard, helping each other.

In the novel there are no lofty words, all words are very simple and understandable: I wanted, I tried, I could, helped to make life. Maybe this is also because all the characters of Burannyi Polustanka have passed through a severe school of life and know the true value of life.

People can think differently, but be tolerant of each other, while remaining human, preserving their human qualities. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The behavior of the children of Kazangap causes disapproval: what prevented them from becoming people that the soul would not turn away from?

In all the works of Ch. Aitmatov there is an image of the Earth and all living things. The writer relies on legends and myths, on traditions as an experience left to us by the previous generations. In the novel there is a story about the Aral Sea, the fate of which for a time worried people. “How much is the land – so much and the Aral Sea, now it is drying up, dying…” This stopped the idea… A pity! At one time Ch. Aitmatov wrote a lot about Lake Issyk-Kul, and the lake was rescued.

For the first time in this novel, the writer uses a fantastic plot. Obviously, for Ch. Aitmatov this is one of the ways of knowing and the method of thinking. It is necessary to think that the description of contacts with extraterrestrial civilization and everything that happens for this reason does not have a real basis. There are no Sarozek and Nevada cosmodromes anywhere. But fantastic fiction to a certain limit comes into contact with reality. Indeed, mythology of the ancients, whether the fantastic realism of Gogol, Bulgakov – everything is convincing precisely because of its contact with the real. The main idea in these arguments of the writer: if humanity does not learn to live in peace, it will perish. Mistrust, wariness is one of the most dangerous threats to his peaceful life on Earth. “No one has survived the Earth, no one will blow the earth,” the novel says. ” Fantastic is a metaphor for life, allowing you to see it from an unexpected angle. So I want the Sarozek metaphors of my novel to remind a man once again of his responsibility for the destiny of our Earth… “These words of Ch. Aitmatov express the main idea of ​​his novel Burannyi polustanovik.



