The Painting by Roerich “Bowl of the Buddha”

The cup in the representation of all nations is a landmark subject. The symbol of the cup passed through many teachings and religions. On the images, from the most ancient, we see the flaming Cups.

In the cults of Zoroaster, a bowl of flame is depicted. The same flaming cup was minted on the Hebrew silver sheks of Solomon’s time and ancient. In the Hindu excavations of the Chandragupta of Maurya we see the same powerfully stylized image. Sergius of Radonezh, working on the enlightenment of Russia, was attached to the flaming cup. In the Tibetan images of the Bodhisattvas, they hold the cup, which flourished with the tongues of fire. We remember the cup of the Druids’ life. The Grail was burning.

Purushapura or Peshawar was once the city of the Buddha’s Cup. Brought there after the death of the Teacher, the Cup for a long time was the subject of deep admiration. At the time of the Chinese traveler Fahien, around 400 AD, the Chalice was still in Peshawar, on purpose for her built monastery. It was a multi-colored vessel. And the lines of the edges of the four bowls that were part of it were very noticeable.

At the time of another Chinese traveler Hueen-Tsang, around 630 AD, the bowl was no longer in Peshawar. She was in Persia or already in Karashar. According to legend, this cup is a boat of life, a cup of salvation – soon again to be found.



