The lesson I’m waiting for

It would be more correct to describe in detail the lesson of literature, this is the favorite lesson of most of my classmates. You can talk about mathematics: that’s where the riddles, charades and crosswords! They love geography: still, travel on the map, listen to fascinating stories about different countries and peoples, about seas and oceans, about different customs of inhabitants of the most remote corners of the globe. Someone is not indifferent to the history – there is nothing surprising in this. And I’m waiting for the lesson of physical education. And not at all because this lesson does not need to be taught. In fact, everything is interesting to me in school. And I love the lesson of physical education for the fact that I study a lot here. The fact is that I do not engage in any sports section, and at home I do not have any sports equipment for classes, our yard is not equipped either. So I enjoy the lesson of physical education. We have a wonderful teacher, he is a master of sports in gymnastics, strong, slender, very fond of sports and children. He teaches how to teach spelling or reading. He shows all the movements and does not calm down until we get good. And at the end of the lesson, we definitely play some game or arrange an interesting competition: our inventor Andrey Ilich is an extraordinary one. With his lessons you leave with the feeling that you are skillful, adroit, strong. Therefore, more and more you strive to become such.



