The period in the history that initiated the formation of national communities in Europe is usually called the era of the Great Migration of Nations. As a result of migration processes on the ruins of the Western Roman Empire, new state formations of Burgundians, Lombards, Angles, Saxons and others emerged.
The first barbarian state on the territory of the Western Roman Empire was the Kingdom of the Visigoths with the center in Tolosa.
In 429-435 years. Vandals founded their state in North Africa with the capital on the site of ancient Carthage. First the Burgundian state was located in the Worms area. And in 457 the second Burgundian kingdom was formed with the center in Lyon.
Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, Utes and Frisians, inhabiting the coasts of the North and Baltic seas, in the middle of the 5th century. conquered the land of Britain, abandoned by Roman legionaries. The local Celtic population was exterminated or driven out to the west of Britain. Part of the Britons moved to the continent.
The formal date of the death of the Western Roman Empire is 476. But on this Great migration of peoples did not end. The former allies of the Huns – Ostrogoths – in many ways repeated the historical fate of the Visigoths. The Ostrogoths became allied federates of the ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire, and later, under the leadership of Theodoric, in 493, founded the Ostrogothic Kingdom with its capital in Ravenna.
King Theodoric knew the culture and customs of the Romans well, as he grew up in Constantinople, and his wife was a Byzantine princess. He retained many Roman institutions and legal norms.
Theodoric went down in history as a ruler, comprehensively supporting science and art. He helped gifted masters, listened to the advice of Roman writers and philosophers – Boethius, Cassiodorus, and others. The heyday of culture in Ostrogothic Italy during the reign of Theodoric was called “The Ostrogothic Renaissance.”
Theodoric claims: “Whoever shivered before the rod of the teacher, he will never become a real warrior.”
Secretary Theodoric, the famous philosopher Boethius, wrote a treatise on “Joy of Philosophy,” where he asserted that true happiness is kindness, and evil is always a misfortune; an evil person is rarely happy, although he can be prosperous, even rich.
The result of the Great Migration of Nations was the change in the map of Europe. On the ruins of the Western Roman Empire emerged new states – barbarous kingdoms. The most viable among them was the kingdom of the Franks.
The Germanic tribe of the Angles influenced the renaming of Britain to England, the Andalusia appeared in Spain on the honor of the vandals in Spain, the Lombards gave their name to the historical region in Italy – Lombardy, thanks to the francs Gallia became France.