The work of the outstanding painter of the late XIX – early XX century Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is very diverse. At the beginning of his creative activity, the artist painted pictures of the everyday genre: “Military Telegram”, “Balagany in Paris”, then worked in the genre of portrait, was engaged in ornamental art, was an architect.
But the main direction in his work was epic and historical. The painter created such paintings as: “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray Wolves”, “Sleeping Princess”, “Carpet – plane” and others. All of them are imbued with a deep love for folklore and traditions of the native Russian people. Subsequently, critics began to call VM Vasnetsov “the true hero of Russian painting.”
The picture “Alenushka” VM Vasnetsov wrote in 1881 on the motives of the Russian folk tale “Sister Alenushka and Brother Ivanushka.” The painter did not leave indifferent the image of the poor hard-working girl, who was left an orphan with her little brother. The heroine of the painting is located in the center of the picture. Dressed in a simple old colorful dress, she lonely sits on a gray big stone, her arms around her bare feet. Her head, with its wavy, wavy hair, is knelt down.
The girl has a kind, but sad expression on her face, her eyes are wide open, her mouth slightly open. Extreme longing is read in its entire form. Probably, the main character at this moment thinks about her brother, turned into a kid, does not know how to help him in this inconsolable grief, her heart is full of sadness and anxiety.
Alyonushka is depicted as a painter against the background of the landscape of early autumn. In the foreground of the picture is a motionless water surface, along which, like boats, yellow leaves float. In the mirror of the river you see the reflection of Alenushka sitting on a rock.
High stems of reeds with thin leaves were picturesquely located in the lake and covered almost the entire coast. Behind the girl can be seen low birch trees and aspen trees, the leaves of which have already begun to become covered with yellow paint and tremble in the wind. On one of the branches there is a flock of birds. They do not fly from branch to branch and do not sing cheerful songs. In the background, thick evergreen forest beauties – spruce – are located in a thick wall. Dark forest thicket adds gloom. All nature anticipates the beginning withering and is sad with Alyonushka.
The gray, inhospitable sky, devoid of the rays of the bright sun, complements with sadness the composition composed by VM Vasnetsov.
The painted canvas is painted by the artist in contrasting colors. The author intentionally draws attention to the person of the heroine. It is executed in light tones on a dark background. It is felt that the painter sympathizes with Alenushka’s grief and empathizes with her. Throughout the composition, VM Vasnetsov uses cold, faded tones that help create a sad mood.
When viewing the picture of V. M. Vasnetsov “Alenushka”, sadness, sadness, sympathy and compassion for the poor orphan, I want to share with her all the adversity and help.
The composition of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alenushka”