Reshetnikov drew this picture in 1948. It shows the children. The boy has just arrived home, on vacation. He gladly honors his grandfather, probably an excellent student. In his gaze there is no fear that his parents will scold him, on the contrary his gaze is full of pride. The old man who stands opposite the boy is probably grandfather and he is happy for his grandson. We can only assume that the grandfather served in the war. And he considers the grandson worthy replacement in the family.
Looking at the picture, we can see a portrait of a military man hanging on the wall. Most likely, the picture shows the boy’s father. He must have died in the war, but the memory that the family keeps about him is sacred to them. Next we see the picture “Three heroes.” It is not for nothing that Reshetnikov portrayed the heroes of the Russian epics and the soldier of the deceased in the war. The artist wanted to show us heroism, both heroes, and a simple soldier. On the second plan departs the image of the girl, probably this is the boy’s sister. On the table we see detailed notebooks and textbooks, most likely she taught lessons. It seems to me that she will fold her accessories neatly, remove them from the table, and the whole family will celebrate the arrival of the boy for the holidays.
The author managed to create a festive atmosphere on the canvas, a Christmas tree dressed in the corner of the room, a solemn and joyful meeting. I think that the grandfather for the grandson is an example of imitation, especially since the father died in the war. A grandson, in turn, loves his grandfather, not only because he gives him sweets, but also because he tells him different military stories. After all, there is no father left and you need to live on, you need to look for your ideal, who is not ashamed to be like, who are you proud of and do not hesitate to introduce your friends. I really liked this picture. There is a lot of it, family warmth, and coziness. In this family I want to return, because you know that you are always there and you are always welcome.
The composition of the film Reshetnikov “Arrived on vacation”