The motif of this painting by Isaak Ilich Levitan is extremely simple: a crooked field, a sky with a dull moon and a haystack. But what kind of penetration, what high poetry! “Up to such amazing simplicity and clarity of motive, which Levitan reached recently,” said Chekhov, “no one reached him, but I do not know if anyone will come after.
In the late period, the artist’s work is characterized by a generalization and laconicism combined with a great content of the image of nature. Levitan loves to write now night and night nature – a time when it awakens some kind of its own, special, invisible life.
In this twilight hour, nature calms down, as if listening to itself. In the darkening air of the air, the shapes lose their bulk and mass, appear to be ghostly. Rags look like silhouettes. Their repeated, measured, unhurried rhythm informs the landscape of the mood of a quiet slumber.
The nature, unmovable in the dim light of the soft moon, seems mysterious, mysterious, alert. With amazing penetration, sensitivity and vigilance, Levitan captures the subtlest manifestations of nature’s life, its inner beating and rhythm, hidden before him from the eyes of artists. The artist reveals this in an equally imperceptible, barely perceptible color movement. The subtlest shades of green, purple, blue create a harmony of the night scenery.
The composition of Levitan’s painting “The Twilight Stack”