The composition of Levitan’s painting “In the Whirlpool”

To admire the beautiful paintings of Levitan Isaac Ilyich is a pleasure. In each there is a story, a whole story, which is revealed to the eyes of the viewer. His landscapes are fascinating and attractive. Among his many works one of the most insightful and interesting, in my opinion, is the picture “In the pool”.

The first thing that falls in the eyes is a log bridge across a wide river. Looking closer, you can see more of the wooden road, which, apparently, once ran here. Now from her there were some pairs of not yet rotten logs. On the other shore, this road has grown overgrown with bushes. Only a narrow path remained, the path was trampled, along which people sometimes pass.

The far shore of the picture is simply magnificent. First, overgrown large bushes meet a passerby with a certain smirk. And then a thicket of thick green forest as a magnet drags into their domain. Overflowing of green to dark color gives the picture some kind of mysticism and danger. Even the water in the evening twilight warns everyone who approaches it. On the one hand, it is calm and smooth, but the opposite part is covered with ripples, which intensifies. In the water, the outlines of the forest are visible, but it almost merges with its darkness. Only a small piece of light still pierces through the leaden clouds and soon disappears beyond the horizon.

And no matter how creepy and mystical this species seemed, it seems as if it attracts and beckons to itself. So you want to step on slippery logs from the dew and go into the thick of the forest. To breathe in its freshness and mystery. The author as it were knew secrets and desires of each person, having embodied them in the given cloth.



