One of the most colorful and diverse seasons is autumn. Many poets described it in their poems, and the artists depicted in their canvases. The most beautiful combination of Russian nature in the autumn can be seen in the paintings of Isaac Ilyich Levitan. His work “In the forest in the autumn” is one of my favorites.
In the picture the author painted a forest in all its glory. In the foreground is a bright green, not yet completely obscured meadow in the autumn. The leaves of the fern have already turned a little yellow and even have acquired a reddish hue. But from this glade looks cheerful, bright, rainbow. Also on the glade occasionally there are young pine and spruce. They are like children, scattered in different directions and play under the last warm rays of the sun. And three large tall pines in the middle resemble strict parents who try not to lose sight of anything. Behind the meadow, in the background of the picture, are the young insects. On the one hand, it is still greenish bushes and trees, and on the other – blond, golden-yellow birches attract attention. With their color, they not only dilute the picture, but also give it light, warmth and a sense of this autumn.
The color scale of the picture is very good. The colors are not too bright, but they can not be called dull. They are the most natural and realistic. This can be seen by visiting at least once in the forest in the autumn. The similarity is simply astounding. Do not admire the beauty of our nature is simply impossible, and looking at the picture of Levitan “In the forest in the autumn” immediately want to find himself under those pines and breathe the warm autumn air.
The composition of Levitan’s painting “In the forest in the autumn”