The climatic conditions of the ocean are determined by its geographical location.
The Indian Ocean is reliably protected by mountains from the penetration of cold air masses from the north, so the surface water temperature in the northern part of the ocean is +29 ° С, and in the Persian Gulf in summer it rises to +30 … + 35 ° С.
An important feature of the nature of the Indian Ocean is the monsoon winds and the monsoon current formed by them. Ancient sailors knew about the unstable nature of winds and currents in the northern part of the ocean and successfully used them when sailing.
A characteristic feature of the Indian Ocean are hurricanes, repeated up to 8 times a year. They are particularly strong in its western part, in the region of Fr. Madagascar, where the storm wind reaches 29 m / s.
The coldest regions of the ocean are in the south, where the influence of Antarctica is felt. Here there are icebergs.
The salinity of surface waters is higher than the average in the World Ocean. Record salinity recorded in the Red Sea -42 </s>.
In contrast to the northern part of the ocean, where the water circulation is determined by the monsoon, in the southern current they correspond to the general scheme of their location in the World Ocean.
The climate and water masses of the Indian Ocean