The Ancient Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin is the oldest part of Moscow, the main socio-political and historical and artistic complex of the capital’s center, the seat of the highest state authorities of the country. The Russian state shows constant concern for the precious ensemble-monument. In 1973, the restoration of the Kremlin began, which is now complete. The ancient Kremlin buildings were restored to their pristine beauty. How were these works carried out?

The Spasskaya, the Senate and Nikolskaya towers, the necropolis wall, have been renovated.

The dark red wall of the Kremlin rises majestically. Only in the 300-meter area its restorers surveyed and processed 4 million 600 thousand bricks. Replacements were made only in case of necessity, but hands of masters touched each stone on the facades of the Kremlin walls.

Now the walls have once again become unshakable monoliths. Again, the teeth with loopholes were built, which on the walls are 1045.

And what is a tooth? From the ground it seems small, and it’s hard to believe that its weight is three tons, its height is about 2-2.5 meters and it consists of 600 bricks. What kind of engineer on the shoulder can restore such a structure! But restorers and bricklayers were engaged in restoration work in the Kremlin. During the restoration, some teeth aligned, others were laid out again. From the side of the Alexander Garden, the wall was built up to give it an original appearance.

In the center of the Kremlin stands the ancient Assumption Cathedral. His heads, shaped like helmets, he resembles a squad of heroes who have turned shoulder to shoulder. This majestic monument is five hundred years old. In his long time he saw many interesting things… In memory of Moscow’s heroic deed in the war with Napoleon, the main chandelier of the cathedral was made of silver, taken from Napoleon’s troops. The cathedral was restored. Unique works are executed on chapters of a cathedral: it was possible to keep an ancient gold covering of roofs. The painstaking work of restorers made it possible to open on the ancient walls of the cathedral frescoes created in the XV-XVII centuries.

Even more remarkable was the remarkable monument of the ensemble – the Archangel Cathedral, erected in 1505-1508. Its heads, shaped like bulbs, are replaced with new ones, similar to helmets, which gave the temple an ancient outline.

For several years, restoration work was carried out in the Cathedral of the Annunciation as well: the painting of icons created by ancient masters was reinforced, the gilded covering of the chapters was restored.

On the territory of the Kremlin, archaeological excavations and restoration work are constantly conducted. Russians carefully preserve the monuments of the Kremlin, because from antiquity to our days Moscow, the Kremlin is a unity of the past, the present and the future.



