In a certain kingdom, in a certain state the king lived and had three sons. Younger was called Ivan Tsarevich. One day the king called the children and said that it was time for them to find brides. The father ordered everyone to take the arrow and let them go in different directions. Where the arrow falls, there it is necessary to look for brides. The sons fulfilled the father’s command. The elder’s arrow fell on the boyar court, her boyar daughter raised her. The arrow of the middle brother fell on the merchant’s yard, her merchant’s daughter picked it up. The arrow of the younger fell into the swamp, raised by her frog. When Ivan Tsarevich found his arrow, he was very sad. But the frog asked to marry her, said that Ivan Tsarevich would not regret it. Ivan Tsarevich did so. The older brothers laughed at him. But the king said that now there is nothing to be done. Won three weddings. The next day after the wedding the king wanted to find out, whether the wife knows how to bake bread. He ordered the wives of his sons to bake bread in the morning. Ivan Tsarevich returned home sad, told everything to the frog. She comforted him, said that the morning was wiser than the evening. When Ivan-tsarevich fell asleep, the frog turned into a beautiful virgin Vasilisa the Wise. She baked a wonderful loaf, decorated it with patterns. The next morning turned into a frog and woke Ivan Tsarevich. He carried the loaf to the palace. The brothers also brought the caravans to the palace, which their wives baked. The bread of the boyar daughter was burnt, the bread of the merchant’s daughter was raw and crooked. The king looked at the loaf of his eldest son and ordered him to be taken to the dogs. About the caravan of the average son, he said that you can only eat it in great poverty. When the king took the loaf of his youngest son, he said that it can only be eaten on great feasts. The king ordered, so that the wives of his sons wove it over the carpet for the night. The wives of the older brothers called the servants to wipe the carpet. Ivan Tsarevich returned home sad, told the frog everything. She comforted him, said that the morning was wiser than the evening. As soon as the prince fell asleep, the frog turned into Vasilisa the Wise and wove a wonderful carpet. In the morning the brothers came to the palace, brought carpets. When the king saw the carpet of his eldest son, he said that they could only hide the horses from the rain. When the king saw the carpet of an average son, he said that he was the only one at the gate to make. When the king saw the carpet of his youngest son, he said that he needed to be spread in the royal palace on big holidays. The king ordered that the wives of his sons themselves come to the feast. The king wanted to know who dances better. Ivan Tsarevich came home sad. The frog began to question him about what had happened. When I found out, she said: “Do not worry, Ivan Tsarevich, go alone to the royal feast.” When you hear a thunder and thunder, do not be frightened, say: “This is my frog in a box goes!” “Ivan Tsarevich appeared at the feast alone. brothers and wives, but suddenly there was a thud and thunder, and everyone was frightened, Ivan Tsarevich said: “Do not be frightened, the guests are dear. It’s my frog in a box jumps! “Everyone ran up to the windows and saw that the messengers were jumping ahead, and behind them was riding a golden carriage.” The beautiful girl came out of the carriage, everyone was looking at her. “The girl approached Ivan Tsarevich, took his hands and led them to set tables, Vasilissa the Wise, poured the rest of her drinks into her left sleeve, and threw the bones of a roasted frog into the right sleeve, and the wives of older brothers began to do the same, without knowing why. Vasilisa the Wise, during the dance, waved her left sleeve, a lake appeared, waved her right sleeve, white swans appeared on it. Everyone was surprised. When she stopped dancing, everything disappeared. Let the wives of the elder brothers of Ivan Tsarevich dance. They waved their left sleeves and splattered all the guests. They waved their right sleeves and showered them with bones. Even the king barely got his eye out. The king became angry and drove them out of the palace. Meanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich ran home, found the skin of a frog and threw it into the fire. Vasilisa the Wise arrived and found out about this and said to her husband: “If you had waited three days, I would have been yours forever.” And now, farewell, look for me at the far end of the world, at the far end of the sea, in the fiftieth kingdom, near Koshchei Immortal, and you will find me only when three pairs of iron boots you wear out, you’ll eat three iron loaves. ” After these words, Vasilisa the Wise disappeared. For a long time Ivan Tsarevich was sad, then he gathered himself, put on his iron boots, took three iron bread and went to look for his wife. Long he wandered, worn out two pairs of iron boots, gnawed two iron bread. The old old man met him. Ivan the Tsarevich told the old man about his grief. The old man said: “Why did you burn the frog skin? Did not you put it on, not you, and it was removed.” Vasilisa the Wise was more intelligent than her father, Koshchey the Immortal. He became angry for this and ordered her to be a frog for three years. ” The old man gave Ivan Tsarevich a magic ball, he said where he would roll, there it was necessary to go. Long went Ivan Tsarevich. Easter last pair of iron boots, gnawed the last iron bread. And he came to a dense forest. He met a bear in the forest. Ivan the Tsarevich was hungry, he wanted to kill the bear and eat it. But the bear in a human voice asked Ivan not to touch him, promised to come in handy later. Ivan Tsarevich felt sorry for him. He went on to see drake. I wanted to shoot him, but Drake asked me to keep him alive, he promised to come in handy later. Ivan Tsarevich went on and saw a hare. I really wanted to eat Ivan Tsarevich, he wanted to kill and eat a hare. But the hare asked not to ruin it, promised to come in handy. Ivan Tsarevich came to the sea, on the shore lay a pike. Ivan Tsarevich wanted to eat it. But she begged, asked me to leave her alive, to throw her into the blue sea. Ivan Tsarevich did so. And he went on. Ivan the Tsar saw the hut. She was on chicken legs. Said Ivan Tsarevich: “The hut, the hut, turn to the forest by the back, to my front.” He entered the hut and saw Babu Yaga. She asked why he had come. Ivan Tsarevich told everything. Baba-Yaga discovered how to cope with Koshcheev the Immortal. His death at the end of the game, the needle in the egg, the egg in the duck, the duck in the hare, the hare in the casket. And the casket is on top of an old oak tree. Oak grows in a dense forest. Ivan Tsarevich went on. Finally he found an oak tree. Ivan Tsarevich did not know how to get a casket. But then came the bear, twisted the oak with its roots. The casket fell and crashed. The hare jumped out and started running. Then came a hare familiar to Ivan the Tsar, caught up with it and tore it into small pieces. A duck flew out and climbed into the sky. Then a drake appeared, began to peck the duck. She dropped the egg that fell into the sea. Then a pike appeared, took out an egg. Ivan Tsarevich broke the egg, broke the needle. And Koshchei the Immortal died. Ivan Tsarevich freed Vasilisa the Wise, took her to his kingdom-state. And they began to live, to make good money.
Summary The Frog Princess