Suicide of lovers on the island of Heavenly Networks

M. Tikamatsu
Suicide of lovers on the island of Heavenly Networks
In the “villages of love,” this paradise of love for the simpletons, the sea of ​​passion can not be scooped to the bottom. In the merry quarter of Sonezaki is always full of cheerful guests, they bawl songs, curse, imitate their favorite actors, dance and mock. Of all the houses of merriment comes raucous music, a cheerful search of shamisen. How can one resist and not go. He’s a bit of a miser and wants to come in, but he’s afraid of losing all his money. But the servants drag the guests by force. It will enter such a house of merriment, and there it will be taught, fooled, fooled, a purse shaken. Particularly cheerfully celebrated here is a mombi – a holiday geater! That’s what the guests will enjoy, they’ll find themselves, and the hetaera only need it, the softened guest is a greyish guest.
Among the flowers of the merry quarter there was another beautiful flower – a certain Koharu, she changed her light robe to the festive attire of the hetaera. Her name is strange – Koharu – A little spring, it portends misfortune, means that the heather will die in the tenth month of the year and leave only sad memories for himself. Kokhara fell in love with the dealer of the paper Jihaeus – a glorious fellow, but the owner of the house of love keeps a sharp eye on the hetaera, does not allow her to step, and one rich merchant Tahei wants to redeem the girl and take her far, far away, to Itami. All rich guests left Kotar, they say, all because of Jihei, she loves him too much.
A monk-krivlyak wanders around the cheerful quarter, depicts a bonzu, his robe is clownish, a crowd follows him, runs, screams, and he tells stories in a comic manner: about battles, about madmen who have done away with themselves because of love. Raspevaet to itself about suicides and is not afraid of a sin. She listened to his Kokhara, and then, seeing his enemy Tahai, quickly disappeared into the tea house. But Tahei overtook her and, swinging a thick purse with gold coins in front of her nose, began to honor what the light is to the intimidated Kokhara, and the miserable merchant Jihei: they say that he has a seedy family and a small-smaller family. Tahei is rich, Tahei is remote, everyone will buy, no one will stand before him. And Jihei – I lost my mind, I fell in love with a beauty, but I do not have any money! All the wealth – scraps, scraps, paper debris, and he himself is an empty pod. So boasted Tahei, and then – look! – at the gate a new guest is an important samurai with two swords, short and long, in the shadow of the hat – black eyes. Tahei immediately backed down, he says, he is a city dweller, he never wore a sword, and rather run away at full speed. But the samurai is also dissatisfied, he turned up on a date with a beautiful woman, and she is sad, dejected, and she needs to be looked after, as if she was a woman in labor, and the maid also carefully examined him in the light of a lantern. And Koharu, bursting into tears, began to question the samurai, which death is easier – from a sword or from a loop. That’s a strange girl! – the samurai thought, and only a series of drunken tea-pots with wine brought him a cheerful mood. but she is sad, dejected, and she should be looked after, as if at a woman in childbirth, and even the maid looked attentively at him in the light of a lantern. And Koharu, bursting into tears, began to question the samurai, which death is easier – from a sword or from a loop. That’s a strange girl! – the samurai thought, and only a series of drunken tea-pots with wine brought him a cheerful mood. but she is sad, dejected, and she should be looked after, as if at a woman in childbirth, and even the maid looked attentively at him in the light of a lantern. And Koharu, bursting into tears, began to question the samurai, which death is easier – from a sword or from a loop. That’s a strange girl! – the samurai thought, and only a series of drunken tea-pots with wine brought him a cheerful mood.
And the whole city of Osaka rattles, from every side, the trezvon, a stir, Jihei is in love with the beautiful Kokhara, and the hosts interfere with them, try to separate them, because such love is a direct loss to a cheerful house, rich guests scatter like leaves in autumn. In an unfortunate moment their love was born. But the lovers swore at least once before meeting their deaths.
At night, Jihei does not sleep, wanders through the streets near the tea house, wants to see Kohar, his heart is full of anxiety about her. And then he sees her in the window, she talks with the samurai guest, her face is thin, sad, pale. Samurai is unhappy, it’s hard to spend time with a girl in love. He understands that the lovers decided to die together, and persuades the girl to give up her intention, offers money – as many as ten gold pieces. But Koharu responds to the guest that they can not help, five more years she must serve the cruel masters, and then there are other dangers – some rich man can buy it out. So it’s better to die together, because such a life is shameful. But death is terrible, it frightens, and how people begin to laugh at her dead disfigured body. There is also an old mother in a remote village… Oh, no, just not this, do not let me die, good lord. Kokhara is crying, her opposite desires torment her. Jihei hears all this and goes into a rage: “Oh, you’re a selling fox! Shady liar!” and grinds his teeth. A hetaera asks, begs the samurai to protect, saved her from the proud Jihei, to help her escape from him. Jihei can not stand it and strikes with a sword through the window, he did not reach Kokhara’s chest, but wounded his heart-she recognized her hand and blade. Samurai jumped up in a jiffy, grabbed Jihei, tied it and prinailovat strong lace to the house. He grabbed Kohara in an armful and disappeared into the back of the house. Remained Ji-hei exposed to shame, like a robber or a tramp. Tahei appears and begins to vilify the opponent, a fight breaks out between them. The audience gathers, they laugh, shout, podchachivayut. The samurai jumps out, Tahei runs away, The samurai takes off his hat – this is the elder brother of Jiro Magoemon. Jiro in horror: “Shame on me!” Magoemon calms his brother, you see what your beloved is, you love her for two years and do not know, but I immediately looked into the depths of her black soul. She’s a badger, and you have two beautiful children, a big shop, and you just ruin the business because of the corrupt girl. Your wife, and my sister is tortured because of you for nothing, and her parents are crying and want to take her daughter home from shame. I’m not all respected samurai now, but a jester in a procession at a party. Jihei echoed him: my heart nearly bursted with anger, for so many years I devoted myself to this cunning fox, neglecting children and my wife, and now I repent bitterly. He snatches letters with vows and throws Kokhara into the face, and she throws him his messages in return. And then some other letter falls out, it says: “
Jihei is dozing in his shop, his wife O-san arranges the screens, protecting her husband from the through wind. Around the kids, servant and maid. Magomon and the mother of two brothers approach the bench. Jikhey woke up quickly, and he pretends that he did not sleep, but, as the merchant was supposed to, check the bills. Magoemon attacks Jihei with abuse. A scoundrel, a liar, deceived him, again stumbled with a beautiful hetaera, only threw letters to her, and himself was going to buy her out of a bad house. Jihei rejects, they say, the rich Tahei wants to buy it, and not he. The wife intercedes for her husband, of course, this is not he, but a completely different person, as is well known, Tahai does not even have money chickens. And Jihei gives his relatives a written vow on all the rules on sacred paper forever to break with Kokhara. If lies, then all the gods will bring down on him the penalty: Great Brahma, Indra, four celestial princes, Buddha and bodhisattva. Everyone is happy and happy, O-san’s wife rejoices: now she has a firm promise from her husband. Relatives leave, and Jihei falls to the floor, pulls on a blanket and sobs. His wife reprimands him, she is tired of being alone in the nest, like an egg-chatterbox. Jihei sobs not out of love for Kohar, but from hatred for Tahei, who managed to take it away and now buys it and takes it to his distant village. But Kokhara swore he would never marry a rich man, but rather commit suicide. Here O-san is frightened and starts screaming that he is afraid: Kokhara will certainly commit suicide, and the punishment for this will fall on O-san. After all, this O-san wrote a letter to the hetter and begged her to part with her husband, because the small children would also be destroyed, and the shop would be ruined. And Koharu wrote in response: “Though my beloved is dearer to me than life, but I give it up, obeying an irrevocable duty. “Yes, we, women, once fell in love, do not change our feelings.” Ji-hei is terribly frightened, he realizes that his beloved is bound to end his life. “Spouses are flooded with tears, where to get so much money in order to buy out Koharu, O-san takes out her savings-all that she has-is four hundred moms, but that’s not enough, new dresses, sleeveless jackets, black kimonos with coats of arms are on the way, Vesha dear to O-san’s heart, bequeathed Let them all now have nothing to wear, but the main thing is to save oh, and the good name of Jihei, but having bought Kochar, where to lead it, because you have absolutely nowhere to go, Jihei exclaims. You did not think about yourself how terribly I was to blame for you. Dzhei with the servants goes to lay the dress, and then father-in-law comes to take home his daughter O-san, because it is so badly treated here. But Jihei swears that he will love his wife and protect her. Relatives quarrel, it turns out that all the dowry in the mortgage shop, that O-san does not have anything. Children wake up and cry, but the ruthless father-in-law takes away the resisting crying daughter.
The Sonezaki quarter is slumbering, the beater of the night watchman is audible, at the tea house the mistress tells maidens to look after Kokhara, because she is now someone else’s property – the rich man Tahei bought it. So the mistress drops seeds of those fateful messages, because of which lovers leave this life. Jihei wanders around the tea house, his relatives come to him, his children are dragged on the back, he’s called Jihaea, but he is buried in the shade of the trees. Learning that Jihei went to the capital, and Kokhara peacefully sleeps, the relatives leave. Jihei is tormented by heartache at the sight of his frozen children, asks his relatives not to leave the children after his death. Koharu quietly opens the door, they are afraid that the steps will squeak, creep out of the house. Their hands tremble, their hearts tremble. They furtively leave the courtyard, Koharu is happy, as in the morning on New Year’s Eve. Lovers go to the river.
The escape. Farewell to the twelve bridges.
Lovers hurry to meet their doom, like leaves in autumn, their souls freeze, like the roots of trees, that in late autumn they dig deeper into the earth, closer to the underworld. But still they hesitate and linger on their woeful path, when they go to the moon, where they must end their lives. The heart of a person ready to die is immersed in the mist, where only a little hoarfrost is white. The hoar frost that disappears in the morning, as everything in the world disappears. Soon their life will disperse, like a tender fragrance from the sleeves of Koharu. They go on twelve bridges and on each one are forgiven – across the bridge of the Plum, the Pine Bridge, the Green Bridge, the Cherry Bridge, the Demon Bridge, the Sacred Sutra bridge – all bridges of farewells, here the old heroes were saying goodbye. Soon the dawn bell will be heard. Rather – this is the bridge to the island of the Heavenly Networks. Lovers are forgiven, they believe that their souls will unite in another world, and they will go to heaven and hell inseparably. Jihei snatches his sword and cuts off a strand of his hair, now he is no longer a merchant, not a spouse, but a monk not burdened with anything earthly. And Koharu cuts his luxurious black hair with a sword, a heavy knot of hair, as if a knot of all earthly cares, falls to the ground. The crows scream, as if the netherworld calls them. They dreamed of dying in one place, but it is impossible, that people will say. The monks are singing, dawn. But Jihei is difficult to distinguish that place on the chest of the beloved, where he must pog as if the hell she calls. They dreamed of dying in one place, but it is impossible, that people will say. The monks are singing, dawn. But Jihei is difficult to distinguish that place on the chest of the beloved, where he must pog as if the hell she calls. They dreamed of dying in one place, but it is impossible, that people will say. The monks are singing, dawn. But Jihei is difficult to distinguish that place on the chest of the beloved, where he must pog

Suicide of lovers on the island of Heavenly Networks