Category: Schoolwork

  • Profession kindergarten teacher

    About the noble and extremely interesting work of the kindergarten teacher tells the story on the topic “My future profession”. The warmth of the soul, the endless kindness and patience of adults who dedicated their lives to the education of the small citizens of a large country, truly deserve respect and admiration. A low bow,…

  • Why you need to study composition

    Study accompanies us throughout life. From early childhood we learn something, we will know this world. Many of us, studying this or that subject at school, say that it is hardly useful to him someday in the future. I think this is a very big mistake. Nobody will ever know in advance what he is…

  • What is art for?

    At all times people needed self-expression. In this they were helped by art – it gave “the ability to express, clearly, vividly express ideas, thoughts, aspirations.” Creativity helped gifted people to reveal themselves and show their talents, as a result of which beautiful works of art were born, from the beautiful painting of a clay…

  • The suffixal way of word formation

    Especially large is the number of suffixal formations in the language. This method consists in the fact that a new word is formed by attaching a suffix to the producing basis. New words formed by suffixation can remain in the same part of the speech (gas – gas manger, gasification) and can move to another…

  • What does it mean to be a teacher

    “The work of the teacher is not easy, but like the light of a distant star that reaches us, even when the star itself is extinguished, the influence of the teacher does not run out for many years.” Teacher forms a person. “Teacher-educator Inga Prelovskaya says. Her words very accurately characterize the responsible and meaningful…

  • An act or an offense

    In Russian there are many words-paronyms. With a similar sound, they have different lexical meanings. Take at least the terms “act” and “misconduct,” which are systematically confused with each other. It is obvious that the first word is much more often used in everyday circulation and its meaning is clear to everyone. While the second…

  • Composition is my street

    I live in a large and spacious private house. We have our own yard, which my father and mother have equipped at will. But, despite this, it is always interesting for me to go out and meet my friends. So historically, there are children in every house in our street, also my peers. Therefore, when…

  • The writing of the problem of charity and compassion

    I believe that the most important problem, touched upon by A. Greene in the story, is the problem of charity and compassion. In the modern world, it is very relevant. The author of the text was disappointed by the deed of a wounded sailor, who was injured by a knife in the back, which the…

  • Composition on the theme of the machine of time

    As a child, I often dreamed of traveling through time to see how people lived some centuries ago, and how they will live in the future. There are a lot of films and cartoons about time machines, and I do not mind that I also had this. In general, this is a secret and non-existent…

  • Consolidation on the theme of fate

    The beauty of the soul of a Soviet man is told in the story of M. Sholokhov “MCH”, in which the hero was able to rise above his personal tragic fate and life, in the name of life to overcome death. Andrei Sokolov talks about his life, which was full of torment, “fry”, which he…