School physics cabinet
When I first got into the physics room, my eyes flashed. My attention was attracted by unusual objects. Over time, I learned their names: a transformer, a voltmeter, an ammeter… And another meteorological instrument, reinforced on the panel. This panel was located on the wall, which was chosen by sunbeams.
Then, for the first time I crossed the threshold of the physics room, I did not particularly consider the portraits of famous scientists hung on the walls. When I came home and told my parents about an unusual study at our school, my father asked: “And who do you know of the physicists portrayed in physics?” I replied that the teacher named their names, but I did not remember. Then the pope said: “Did the teacher call the name Isaac Newton, the English scholar who discovered the law of universal gravitation, watching the fall of the apple?” – “Yes this name was named”. “So, when you come to the office next time, look carefully at Newton’s portrait,” advised Papa, “when I was a schoolboy, he was drawn by my classmate.” Then he became a well-known artist, and I made a frame for this portrait. “
When, after this conversation, I attended another physics lesson, I carefully examined the portrait of the great Englishman, presented how my father diligently made a frame for him, as Papa’s friend painted a portrait of Newton, and thought: “And how would I leave somebody memory in the physics room? ” I do not know how to draw, that’s why, probably, I just need to get a good grasp of this subject, without knowledge of which one can not do in modern life.