Russian Khandra

Eugene Onegin, the protagonist of the novel of the same name in Pushkin’s poems, is portrayed as a young rake that meets the criteria of light, dandy not only in dress, but also in lifestyle. But secular society does not suit Onegin, it outrages his critical mind.

Prior to “Eugene Onegin,” the confrontation between man and society was demonstrated by AS Griboedov in his comedy “Woe from Wit”. The main character of this work, Chatsky, like Onegin, is dissatisfied with the society in which he lives. But, unlike Onegin, Chatsky is trying to change something in the Famusian society, criticizing him. Although Chatsky’s enlightenment ideas turned out to be unfruitful, the hero of the comedy still acts (in a word). Onegin, though he despises the light, still lives by his laws, does not try to change anything, but is indifferent to him.

The author shows Eugene Onegin in different settings – in the theater, in the office, at the ball, describes him as “a fun and luxurious child.” But Pushkin is not limited to an external description, he gives the reader the inner world of Onegin. In the soul of the hero his conflicts, complexes, paradoxes. The author evaluates Eugene Onegin ambiguously: “Was my Evgenie happy?” No, “early feelings have cooled down in him,” “he stopped loving at last / And swearing, and saber, and lead.” And “nothing touched him.” These are symptoms of mental illness. What kind? Pushkin calls it “Russian blues”, similar to “English split”. This state is the dominant of Onegin’s character.

Pushkin wrote to Pletnev: “Hey, look, the spleen is worse than cholera.” Cholera affects the body, and melancholy kills the soul. In Onegin’s soul there is no joy, harmony, grace. What is the cause of this disease of the soul? Ap. Grigoryev in his article “A Look at Russian Literature from the Death of Pushkin” expresses the opinion that Onegin’s mantra is associated with his innate, natural criticism inherent in Russian common sense. The critic argues that the criticism of Eugene and, consequently, the spleen comes from his talent,

And not from anger, skepticism, as in Childe Harold.

Belinsky believed that an “embittered mind” was “a sign of a higher nature” and a sign that Onegin was morally superior to those around him. He recognized himself in the “soul of selfish and dry”, reading the novel, and suffered from this striking similarity.

The friendship between Onegin and Lensky shows that Eugene is not soulless. He is not a demon, not a parody, not a “fashionable fad,” but an ordinary man, “good fellow”, which in the world is a lot.

Onegin does not know what he wants, but he knows for sure that he does not like what the mediocre crowd is happy with.

Eugene surrenders to depression and yawn. It is interesting that Lermontov’s Pechorin, the character of the work The Hero of Our Time, who, like Chatsky and Onegin, rejects society, unlike Onegin, tries to take from fate his share of joy. These two heroes have different life paths, but the result is one – melancholy, melancholy and boredom. Both novels, “Eugene Onegin” and “Hero of Our Time”, have an open ending, like life itself.

Pisarev in the article “Bazarov” wrote that Onegin “too much and early took everything from life, all overeaten.” The critic claims that Eugene “wears a beautiful disappointment” in the triumph of reason and enlightening ideas, with the help of which it is impossible to change anything in society.

Khandra Onegin is not a pose, but a voluntary heavy cross. Eugene bears him everywhere: in St. Petersburg, in the countryside, in traveling around Russia. Everywhere he is yearned for, he is burdened by life. He returns from a trip to St. Petersburg, where he meets Tatiana again, and everything changes for him. He repents of not understanding, not falling in love with Tatyana (“how I was mistaken, how I was punished”) and in the fact that he kills his friend Lensky in a duel (“the bloody shadow was to him every day”). In the soul of Onegin, the thirst for love and understanding awakens. Falling in love with Tatyana heals Onegin from criticism of the mind.



