Relief of Eurasia

Due to the complexity of the structure of the earth’s crust and the long history of its development, the surface of Eurasia is more diverse than other continents. Here are the largest plains

The earth and the highest mountains, the deepest depression on land and the largest lowland of the world, which lies below the level of the World Ocean. Thus, the fluctuation of heights on the mainland exceeds 9 km.

The oldest and youngest platforms correspond to the largest plains of Eurasia. For example, on the East European platform is the East European Plain, on the Siberian – the Central Siberian Plateau, on the South China – the Great Plain of China, on the Indian Plateau Dekan, on the West Siberian – the West Siberian Plain. But plains are not necessarily connected with platforms. Often they are formed in the foothills of the earth’s crust, such as the Indo-Gangetic, Mesopotamian lowlands.

The ancient and young belts of folding in the relief correspond to mountains. Within the ancient Ural-Mongolian belt are different mountains in height. Under the influence of the external forces of the Earth they were destroyed for millions of years, and some of them were turned into high plains. Later, in the Cenozoic era, in the alpine epoch of mountain building, faults occurred, and the blocks rose to different heights. Such revived mountains are, for example, Tien Shan, Altai, Ural Mountains. In the north of Europe there are ancient medium-high Scandinavian mountains.

The young Alpine-Himalayan belt includes numerous mountain systems: the Pyrenees, the Apennines, the Alps, the Carpathians, the Crimean mountains, the Himalayas. The highest mountains of Europe are the Alps with sharp peaks, reminiscent of peaks. Their highest point is Mont Blanc. The highest mountains of the world are the Himalayas. It is here that the highest mountain of the planet – Jomolungma, reaches 8850 m. Another 11 Himalayan peaks rise to a height of more than 8000 m. They are covered with perennial snow and ice. The Alpine-Himalayan belt includes not only mountain ranges, but also broad highlands lying between ridges, as well as mountain knots.

The Pacific folding belt extends along the eastern shores of Eurasia from Kamchatka to the Great Sunda Islands. This belt is characterized by frequent earthquakes and volcanism. Most often, earthquakes occur on the Japanese islands. The largest number of active volcanoes in Kamchatka. Japanese and Great Sunda Islands.



