Questions and answers to the work of Aesop

Who was Aesop? What human vices does Aesop mock in his fables?

Laziness, envy, greed, lack of desire to think, cunning, stupidity, flattery.

What is the wisdom of Aesop’s fables? Why are these fables instructive?

Fables of Aesop draw our attention to the fact that a person must work, not to blame an event, but to rely on his own strength. They teach to be patient, unconcerned, good friends, not to believe enemies. The fables of Aesop’s fables were borrowed by the fabulists of the world – J. Lafontaine, IA Krylov.

What is the moral of Aesop’s fable “The Raven and the Fox”?

This fable is instructive in that it warns people who are avid for flattery, from excessive credulity. So you see a cunning fox spinning near the tree, which flattered the Raven, got a piece of cheese. It turns out that the Crow and the color of feathers is the most regal, and in general he is a stately fellow. If he were to be the ruler of all birds, that’s just the voice for which royalty is also needed. It was then that the Crow decided to prove that he had a voice so necessary for the lord of the bounty. He croaked in all the crows’ throats and dropped the cheese. The fox achieved her flattery, and Raven was left with nothing. As soon as the Fox reached her, where the flattery went! Now she is already mocking the Voron: “Voice, Raven, you have, but there was no mind.”

What is the moral of Aesop’s fable “The fox and the grapes”?

The fox explains its impotence by the fact that the grapes are not ripe. It’s not her fault, but grapes. Often people blame anyone for their failures, but not themselves.

What does the expression “Aesopian language” mean?

“Aesop’s language,” “Aesopian speech,” a figurative language, where thought is encrypted, does not express itself directly. This is a “special system of fraudulent means,” to which one resorts, when one can not say something openly.

What is the secret of the longevity of Aesop’s fables?

Since in fables the language is allegorical, then it is impossible to offend anyone. The addressee is not specified, the characters are often animals. The fabulist points not to human vices, but to the vices of animals. If a person finds out in the actions and words of the heroes of the fable himself, he learns a positive lesson.



