T yazhely separation from your beloved people, but even harder and bitter – goodbyes, when the heart-thing does not want to obey clear reason, predicting various troubles. The fear that you see a loved one for the last time, makes you look for an opportunity to protect and protect your loved ones.
During the war, their husbands saw their brothers, fathers, relatives wanted only one thing – to deceive the stray bullet and return. So they deceived as best they could: You can learn about a completely unusual amulet from the soldier’s fairy tale of Konstantin Paustovsky.
Stepan gives a small boy a good-bye, a rhinoceros beetle, leaving for the front. Passing an unusual gift, Stepa asks only one thing – to save. The author in these simple words and requests of the son expressed the incomprehensible and too difficult for the little heart feelings of the impending separation and vague hope. Caring for the gift, the soldier will remember that he is expected at home and, thus, will be more attentive and collected in the war.
At the front, Petr feeds the beetle with grass, is very upset when he suddenly disappears. To all the grinning of brother-soldiers and the surprise that the reason for the feelings and benefits of an insect is too small, Step’s father answers: The special and quivering attitude to the gift is not as a possibility of gratuitous possession, but as a part of the soul and memory of a loved one has long been noticed by the people. Paustovsky with his extraordinary gift to transfer to the situation described above almost supernaturally exacerbates feelings when every detail is audible, visible and tangible.
Proverbs to the fairy tale “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros beetle”
So, the reader notices – here from a bullet red berries from an elderberry bush were showered, and what sweet water from Vistula and the beetle so tenaciously holds on a tunic that sometimes becomes ticklish! The dazzling roar of cannon, the earth flying up from the clouds with explosions and the sun gliding in this mist.
To the r-Povista adventure of the rhinoceros beetle is a popular proverb
After the noise and horror invented by people, the description at the end of the work of the young month over the quiet earth is a reminder of the author, how invaluable the won silence for humanity. The soldier gets wounded in the infirmary, but the insect patiently waits for him at the Polish boy. Peter Terentyev strictly observes the son’s order and protects the rhinoceros beetle, but perhaps this beetle protects the father. In the work in such an unusual way, the great importance of sincere support and mutual assistance between comrades is shown, without which any army, even the strongest and most formidable, becomes incapacitated.
The soldier’s fairy tale ends happily, and with it the adventures of the steppe gostinitsa. Pyotr Terentyev returns to his wife and son, to his beloved homeland, dying on native hands.
The Fairy Tale of the Rhinoceros beetle
Returns not alone, but with his comrade-beetle-amulet. The final lines of this small work of Konstantin Paustovsky – whether fairy tales or were – so miraculously convey the charm of a peaceful summer day that the reader, watching along with the boy for the farewell flight of the beetle, feels like the sun is burning, smells like dill, how to live well. Author’s material – copying is prohibited.
Proverb to the tale “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle”