Taking into account the historical and cultural significance of the joint living and spiritual community of the peoples of Russia, on January 13, 2009, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree on the celebration in 2012 of the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state.
The culture of peoples is a unique, unique, multifaceted phenomenon. A man of any nationality should be proud of his past. It is this that connects it with the history of the country, the people, rooted in love, worldview, choice of life path.
The academician remarked remarkably that “the preservation of culture is necessary for the spiritual, moral attachment of a person to his native places.” Knowledge of history, customs of ancestors enriches a person, he finds in this a measure of beauty. “
Love for one’s native language, knowledge of its history is the basis on which only the growth of spiritual culture can be carried out. Observance of certain rites, traditions in public life is inherent in every people. Folk traditions, customs and holidays are a means of uniting people in the nation. Each nation is proud of its traditions, which educate and form national pride, a sense of belonging to an ethnic group. These feelings bring spiritual satisfaction to people.
In the environment of polyethnos, the national and world spiritual culture, national traditions and historical succession of generations are introduced, familiarization with the spiritual values of their people, knowledge of its culture, raising the morality of our generation.
The formation of patriotism among the younger generation, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland through familiarization with popular culture, acquaintance with the best traditions of folk art, interest and respect for the origins is one of the urgent tasks of modern education and upbringing.
For centuries, different peoples live side by side in the territory of modern Mordovia, and this cultural diversity, constant interethnic communication, interethnic consent are an invaluable asset of our republic – an integral part of great Russia. Knowledge and respect for their culture contributes to the study and respect for the history and culture of other peoples.
In the life of modern schools, local studies, which open up great opportunities for manifesting the creative abilities of students, are becoming more active. Acquaintance with life, life, nature and culture of the region contributes to the moral and aesthetic education of the young, the formation of their citizenship, the formation of high patriotic beliefs, the active life position of students. It should be remembered that there is no schoolboy who does not want to be intellectually equipped, there is no schoolboy who does not want to know much. The school is an important tool in the process of reviving the national culture. It is necessary step by step to move forward to the native language, the traditions of the region could live and develop.
Our school is working on the revival, preservation, development of national culture. Children are happy to do exploratory activities in local lore in the circle “Local Studies”. In the school there is a study of local history, where various exhibits, items of household utensils, national clothes and shoes are presented.
On the basis of our school the regional seminar “Use of national traditions, customs in educational work” was held. The regional seminar of geography teachers was devoted to the regional level of implementation of the priority national project “Education”. The event “A corner close to the heart – the village of Cheremishevo” was dedicated to a small homeland. His love for a small motherland student 6 cells. Diana Soldatova expressed in the poem “My village.”
Search local history activity provides materials for research. One of the directions of the priority national project “Education is the support of talented, capable youth, that is, the identification of gifted children.” The main goal of the research is to involve students in research and development work, education of civic qualities of personality, patriotism. Diplomats of regional and republican competitions of research works Soldatova Yu. Arikov R. Safyanov R. – prize-winners of the regional competition of research works “First steps”. from the republican competition “Intellectual future of Mordovia” with the research work “Tatar names” Soldatova Julia won the Diploma of the II degree.
The main goal of our school and its purpose is to create favorable conditions for the revival, preservation, development of the national culture, traditions, customs and language of the Tatar people. The second year of the teachers of our school take part in the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Ethnocultural Education: Experience and Prospects”, and the students – “Live Culture: Traditions and Modernity”. The research works “Tatar national clothes”, “The corner of the heart” were awarded with Diplomas of the III degree.
On April 28, our school represented the Lyambir region at the II Republican meeting of young ethnographers – ethnographers. We represented our region in all three nominations: creative presentation of the “Traditions of the native land” – “National traditions of the Tatars”, protection of the tourist-ethnographic route of the region, “Competition of guides” City of Masters “at the exhibition of ethnographic articles. received a prize and an incentive prize.
Today, when the process of renewal of economic and spiritual life began, interest in the national roots in Mordovian land has increased. This is understandable, since without knowledge of the past, preservation of the great heritage of ancestors, it is impossible to build a better society. Love for one’s native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which only the growth of the spiritual culture of the whole society can be carried out.
The preservation of customs, folklore, music, the language of each locality is necessary to preserve the culture of the whole country. Memory is not the preservation of the past, but the concern for the future. Each people for centuries created and multiplied their cultural values. It is very important that these riches are transferred from generation to generation. Love for one’s native land largely depends on how well a person knows the history, culture, traditions of his people, his language.
Knowledge of the culture of the peoples living in our region enriches us with an understanding of who we are, what unites us, for the sake of what we live, it makes us stronger and wiser, tolerant to each other, strengthens optimism, faith in the future.
Thus, the preservation of national culture surrounded by polyethnos through increasing interest in the history of our homeland and native land, development of a conscious and respectful attitude to the past, culture and traditions of ancestors remains urgent today.