Political map of Eurasia

The state borders of the countries of Eurasia have been constantly changing throughout the history of mankind. In Europe, the ancient civilizations of Greece, the Roman Empire, on the territory of Asia – Babylon. Assyria, India and China. Numerous military campaigns, wars of conquest, the annexation of new lands led to the disappearance of some and the emergence of other states. Time passed, some empires disintegrated, others arose, states disappeared and appeared.

In general, the formation of the modern political map of Eurasia was completed in the last decade of the 20th century. In these years, Ukraine finally gained its independence and formed its state. Our country is the largest in Europe.

At present, there are 93 countries and territories on the political map of Eurasia, 91 of them are independent. On the territory of Eurasia, Russia and China are the largest countries in the world. The area of ​​Russia is almost the same as the territory of South America, and China is one third larger than Australia. Along with such huge countries in Eurasia, historically formed dwarf states occupying less territory of Kiev. The smallest country in the world is the Vatican.

In Eurasia, there are also the largest countries in the world – China and India. The population of each of them exceeds 1 billion people.

The states of Eurasia are at different levels of economic development. Here poverty coincides with luxury, and the latest achievements of science and technology with the remnants of the Middle Ages. 26 Eurasian countries are officially considered highly developed. Among them, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy are the highest level of development.

In many states of Eurasia large groups of Ukrainians live, in particular in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland.



