“Pond with water lilies” – a picture that abounds in green colors and various derivatives of this color shades, truly magical and mesmerizing. Looking at her, you can penetrate the mysterious, fairy-tale world full of inspiration and tranquility.
In front of us we see a bridge that merges with the surrounding nature, experiences its influence on itself, becomes part of this green world. The pond with herbs and trees reflected in it is covered with snow-white water lilies that naturally and harmoniously fit into the landscape. Trees and other vegetation in the background are written schematically, successfully completing and animating the picture.
As an impressionist artist, Claude Monet tried to capture in his works a fleeting, elusive moment, a life in motion that is now and will never again be repeated in ever changing nature. This he achieved by constantly observing nature and lived with her in harmony: the world around him seemed so important to him that he tried to reflect in his works the first impressions of what he saw as quickly as possible, which, of course, affected technology.
Pond with water lilies
On closer examination, large, random, multicolored strokes are no more than cacophony. But it is such, at first glance, senseless and random combination of colors that creates a complete picture before us. And, indeed: everything “big” and significant is seen from a distance. All that deeply impressed the artist and encouraged to create, appeared on his canvases and forced the viewer to momentarily stop the moment and find himself in another, previously unfamiliar world.
In the image of the Japanese bridge and pond, he undoubtedly managed to catch and convey the atmosphere that reigned in that unique moment: the static picture seems to us alive and breathing, the foliage and water find their own reflections in each other.
Lilies fill the landscape with light and air, contrast a little against the background of greenery, but, nevertheless, do not irritate the look of the contemplator. Even the bridge, the only artificial substance in this picture, has its own “character”, becomes part of this enchanting corner of nature, is not separated and does not stand out from the general mood and colors. In the picture there is a prospect: in the foreground objects appear before us in lighter, even bright, sunny tones, while the second plan is saturated with darker, deeper colors in the shade and less bright, rather pastel – in the light.
Cold paints are also present here: they represent water plants, a bridge in the shade and water reflections on the lower part of the bridge. Everything in this landscape matters and everything is imprinted in the hearts of the audience.
The landscape, written by Monet in the distant 1899, becomes accessible to us right now and, as a result, allows us to become a part of those impressions and searches that accompanied the artist during the creation of the masterpiece. And this is just one picture from the whole series of paintings of the “Lilies” of the great French artist who “continue” each other: the day turns into a night, autumn comes in the summer, and the pond lives, changes and acquires new colors for a new day.