Painting by Gerasimov “The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl”

Very picturesque and holy place, which has survived to our days since ancient times, is the Church of the Intercession located on the bank of the Nerl River. It refers to the greatest places and monuments of architecture in Russia. There is a temple on a small hillock. Around him spread the river and flaunted nature. It was at this place according to the story that Prince Andrew ordered the construction of a temple in honor of the death of his son.

Many artists were attracted to this place, both by their nature and by their architectural structure. Gerasimov Sergey Vasilyevich is not the exception. His love of nature and landscapes has always been shown in his works. The canvas “The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl” gives us first of all the beauty that surrounds the temple itself. The church is shown from the opposite bank of the river. Large, beautiful, green fields cover with delicate flowers. Scattered lonely trees and bushes. The blue of a quiet river. All this gives the picture a sense of wonder and faith. The author showed how beautiful the place itself is and how it can be fascinating.

Very warm and beautifully depicted people. The first to fall in the eyes of a woman and a child on the river bank. Mom stands and watches as her baby collects flowers. It seems that they often walk here. And how to not walk in such a place. And on the opposite side is a group of monks. They are going somewhere. Although we see them from afar, but their dark cassocks are clearly visible. And the brightest and cleanest spot in the picture is the temple itself. This is a large architectural structure. It is built on a hill, and even its height and dome so stretches to the sky, that even, it seems, is about to reach it.

The whole picture conveys a sunny pleasant day. Small clouds float across the sky, and a light wind plays with leaves of trees and waves of the river. All this simplicity conveys a sense of wonder and inspiration.

Painting by Gerasimov “The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl”