Bogayevsky developed the romantic theme of Lorren’s works – the theme of distant wanderings, the discovery of a harmonious land where the ideal man lives. This topic is devoted to the painting “Ships” (1912). The canvas is surprising in the accuracy of the transfer of the spirit of the works of Claude Lorrain, it is romantic in mood and classically structured. It embodied the retrospective principle of painting Bogaevsky. The artist gave the color some patina of time, and the whole work – the old style, achieved by the general tone of the landscape. His dark bronze accentuates the effulgence of the sky. Bogayevsky deliberately likened his paintings of ancient painting, which sometimes aroused the displeasure of critics who found such a painting unjustifiably dark for light-colored, whitewashed painting of the 20th century.
The idea of a composition with radiant sunlight piercing the clouds, and ships slowly sailing into a fantastic bay, ripened for the first time in October 1911. In November, the artist reported: “Now I am very fond of ships and make sketches in pencil for paintings and for large drawings of ink.” Performing a panel for Ryabushinsky, the artist was forced to interrupt the work, postponing its ending until better times. Bogaevsky was constantly carried away by new stories, hotly took up the job, completely immersed in a new job – and then came uncertainty in the final result. He asked a friend to send a publication of the drawings of Claude Lorrain and Poussin, who could help him in the work. The request came two months after the end of the “Ships.”
In the painting “Ships”, the magnificent nature is illuminated by the radiant sun, and this dazzling illumination has determined the optimistic sound of the canvas. The enlightenment of the sky, its radiantness is the source of life on earth, revealed here in its most magnificent frame. The beauty of the depicted nature, inspired by the light, romantic spirit of the Lorraine paintings, acquired a luxuriously decorative shade. Bronze sunlight flashed rhythmically through the tree crowns and mountains. Thanks to the “bronze” illumination, the sea seems to be a molten metal, hard and rhythmically beating against the rocks. This bright and optimistic painting of Bogaevsky is one of his best works written on the theme of the art of Claude Lorrain. It is executed in a stylized manner, but means of 20th century painting. Decorative landscape image – only the shell,
“Ships” could be called “Memoirs of Claude Lorrain”. An important question arises here about the nature of Bogaevsky’s work. Criticism tried to give him an exhaustive answer, but only introduced an inexplicable confusion of concepts. The
In the painting “Ships”, the magnificent nature is illuminated by the radiant sun, and this dazzling illumination has determined the optimistic sound of the canvas. The enlightenment of the sky, its radiantness is the source of life on earth, revealed here in its most magnificent frame. The beauty of the depicted nature, inspired by the light, romantic spirit of the Lorraine paintings, acquired a luxuriously decorative shade. Bronze sunlight flashed rhythmically through the tree crowns and mountains. Thanks to the “bronze” illumination, the sea seems to be a molten metal, hard and rhythmically beating against the rocks. This bright and optimistic painting of Bogaevsky is one of his best works written on the theme of the art of Claude Lorrain. It is executed in a stylized manner, but means of 20th century painting. Decorative landscape image – only the shell,
The artist used the main expressive means of painting Claude Lorrain – light: he played this technique to depict nature already in the works of the 1910s. In addition, Bogaevsky developed the romantic theme of Lorraine works – the theme of distant wanderings, the discovery of a harmonious land where the ideal man lives. This topic is devoted to the painting “Ships” (1912). The canvas is surprising in the accuracy of the transfer of the spirit of the works of Claude Lorrain, it is romantic in mood and classically structured. It embodied the retrospective principle of painting Bogaevsky. The artist gave the color some patina of time, and the whole work – the old style, achieved by the general tone of the landscape. His dark bronze accentuates the effulgence of the sky. Bogaevsky deliberately likened his paintings of ancient painting, which sometimes aroused the displeasure of critics,
However, the retrospective nature of the theme justified the stylized decorativeness of selected expressive means.
The idea of a composition with radiant sunlight piercing the clouds, and ships slowly sailing into a fantastic bay, ripened for the first time in October 1911. In November, the artist reported: “Now I am very fond of ships and make sketches in pencil for paintings and for large drawings of ink.” Performing a panel for Ryabushinsky, the artist was forced to interrupt the work, postponing its ending until better times. Bogaevsky was constantly carried away by new stories, hotly took up the job, completely immersed in a new job – and then came uncertainty in the final result. He asked a friend to send a publication of the drawings of Claude Lorrain and Poussin, who could help him in the work. The request came two months after the end of the “Ships.”
“Ships” were constantly corrected not only by the art of Claude Lorrain, but, mainly, by the light and radiant nature of Koktebel and Theodosia.
“Ships” could be called “Memoirs of Claude Lorrain”. An important question arises here about the nature of Bogaevsky’s work. Criticism tried to give him an exhaustive answer, but only introduced an inexplicable confusion of concepts. Sergei Makovsky saw the origins of the work of Bogaevsky in the art of Claude Lorrain, Maximilian Voloshin – in the works of Poussin and Mantegna. Apparently, therefore, some researchers attribute the artist’s work to neoclassicism, others to neo-romanticism, the third to decadence, and the fourth to symbolism. There are many opinions, and all of them are not groundless.
Painting Bogaevsky “Ships of the evening sun”