1. In what climatic zones are Siberia and the Far East located? Why are there four climatic regions in the temperate climate?
The region is located in the arctic, subarctic and temperate climatic zones.
The presence of several climatic regions within the same belt is explained by the great extent of the region in the latitudinal direction. As the distance from the ocean changes the conditions of moistening.
2. Why did the poles of cold form in the continental part of Siberia?
These poles are located in the subarctic climate, within the continent, ie, in the region of maximum manifestation of continentality, winter cooling. In addition, both Oimyakon and Verkhoyansk are located in intermontane basins, where temperature inversions are observed. Cold air accumulates and stagnates at the bottom of the basins, and the temperature with rising up does not decrease, but, on the contrary, rises.
3. Within what natural zones is Siberia? Compare them with the natural zones of the Russian Plain? What is the natural zone in Siberia at the latitude of Moscow?
Most of Siberia is taiga, in the north there is a zone of tundra and forest-tundra, and in the south – mixed forests, forest-steppes and steppes. The boundaries of the natural zones are shifted to the south, which is due to the continental climate and the distribution of permafrost. At the latitude of Moscow in Siberia is the taiga.
4. Why are the steppes and forest-steppes located in separate areas in Eastern Siberia and the Far East?
Forest steppe moves north to Krasnoyarsk. However, in the Yakutsk region there are also steppe areas. Central Yakutia, because of the close neighborhood of the landscape of the rare taiga and feather grass steppes, is sometimes called “taigostepia.” The “focal” location of the steppe and forest-steppe in the region can be explained by the fact that the greater part of the territory of the south of Siberia is occupied by high-zone zones.
5. Comparing the tectonic and physical maps, determine the similarity and difference between the relief of Siberia and the European part of Russia. How does the terrain affect the economic development of the territory?
Both Siberia and the European part of Russia are basically flat territories bordered by mountains. The East European plain corresponds to the ancient Precambrian platform, in Siberia there is a young West Siberian plate and the Siberian platform, complicated by shields.
The similarity of the tectonic structure was reflected in the similarity of the relief of these territories. However, the territory of Siberia is more elevated in comparison with the European part of Russia. Mountainous areas are more difficult to master, but in favorable climatic conditions mountains always attracted people. In the harsh and cold Siberian conditions, the mountains remain the least developed.
6. What natural areas could you single out in the vast territory of Siberia? Argument your answer. What features of the nature of Siberia depend on the vastness of the territory, and what – from the terrain?
Tectonic structure and relief can be identified Western Siberia, Central Siberia and the mountains of Southern Siberia. These are the main natural areas. The vastness of the territory and the relief affect the climate.
7. Knowing the climate of Siberia, determine the sources of power and regimes of Siberian rivers. What are the features of spring flood and winter freeze-up associated with the meridional direction of the flow of rivers?
Like the overwhelming majority of Russian rivers, the rivers of Siberia have mainly snow feeding, rapid spring flood and concentration of runoff in the warm period.
Because of very cold winters, many rivers freeze to the bottom. Since most of the Siberian rivers flow from the south to the north, in the middle and lower reaches during the ice drift, powerful ice congestions are formed, leading to catastrophic floods. This is because ice is melting much faster in the upper streams of rivers south of the sea than in the lower ones.
Melt water and ice floes floating with them encounter monoliths of non-thawing lower reaches.
8. What landscapes prevail in Siberia? What can you say about the preservation of the natural landscapes of Siberia in comparison with the European ones? Name and show on the map the most famous reserves.
In Siberia, natural taiga, tundra and mountain landscapes prevail. The development and transformation of the natural environment is still focal and linear in nature. However, in places of mining and large industrial centers, the change in landscapes is quite significant.
Among the most famous Siberian reserves are the Great Arctic, the Putorana Plateau, Central Siberian, Ust-Lensk, Yugansk, Altai, Sayano-Shushensky, Tungus, Baikalo-Lensk, Barguzinsky and others.
9. Where do you think the costs of building industrial enterprises and railways are greater in the Central Region or in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug? What are the reasons for the rise in construction costs?
In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, in addition to undeveloped infrastructure, the construction of swampy areas and island permafrost are very expensive.