My Aquarium

This tank left us relatives, leaving for a long business trip. I did not buy fish myself, I was not even trusted to take care of the aquarium. But no one objected when I spent an hour or more sitting next to him, watching the unfamiliar water world and imagining what kind of life there was behind the glass. I looked at the fish scurrying back and forth in speckles, waiting for them to get tired so fussily, admiring the slow, slow-moving little fish. They even swallowed the food slowly. But my main attention was attracted not by fish, but… snails. They resembled living stones and, probably, therefore were especially interesting. Live stones! They made a huge impression on me, and since then for a long time snails of all kinds have become for me the most interesting creatures. I loved finding them on the leaves of trees, in the grass, among the flowers. Not knowing, whether useful or not, I brought them handfuls to the place where I lived: to the house, to the yard, to the beach… I even ordered adults if they went to the forest, to bring me a few pieces. This is how my acquaintance with the aquarium did not quite end.

My Aquarium