Among the many people indifferent to the grief of other people, who care only for their well-being, there are those who will never refuse to help anyone. And such people help others without any apparent reasons.
What motivates people to do noble deeds, forcing them to step over personal well-being to help another person? This question is raised by GN Bocharov and makes readers think and become more responsive to someone else’s grief.
This problem has become especially important right now. After all, people in the modern world are in constant hurry, they think only of themselves, of their needs. And when they hear that someone needs help, they usually think: “There are still a lot of people besides me, one of them will definitely help…”. Or: “Why should I do this?”. And in the end, no one helps the person in trouble. But there are also people who are ready to rush to the rescue of anyone, even an unknown person, regardless of personal circumstances. So, there is something that makes these people help others, and the rest has something “missing”.
GN Bocharov believes that the main motive of people in the performance of noble deeds is a moral duty. And people help others not because of the momentary impulse, but because of the norms of behavior that they brought up in them. The author believes that it is necessary “to explore the moral atmosphere that allows people to educate such a sense of duty” so that there are as many such responsible people in the world as possible.
I am fascinated by the interest of the journalist, GN Bocharov, to this moral problem. I agree with the author’s opinion, in my opinion, “something” that encourages people to help those in need is a moral duty. It is he who makes people think differently than people who are indifferent to other people’s problems. Namely: “Who, if not me?”. Thanks to such people, our society preserves the remnants of humanity, putting aside selfishness,
Many people are ready to help another, only if they give him something in return. But people who do good deeds free of charge, guided by their sense of duty, also did not move. Such people become volunteers, donors, organize charity events. For example, recently in St. Petersburg a charitable event “Angels of Good” was held. Within the framework of this action, volunteers tried to draw attention to the problems of orphans, to appeal to a sense of moral duty. And it was done by volunteers not because of personal gain, but simply to help those in life who had to do more difficultly than them, and to call on others.
In the novel “Crime and Punishment” by FM Dostoevsky, Raskolnikov helps the girl on the boulevard, although she sees it for the first time. Rodion gives her last money to be taken home. In this there is no personal benefit for him, Raskolnikov commits this act only out of a sense of moral duty.
Thus, I can conclude that people who are helping on a gratuitous basis to others, do so because of a sense of moral duty. And to make our society better, we need to educate this feeling in all people, push them to good deeds.
“Moral debt” essay