Minerals of Eurasia

In Eurasia, there are all kinds of minerals that humanity uses. This is due to the size of the continent and the complex structure of the earth’s crust. Large deposits of iron ore are discovered in France, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, on the Eastern European Plain, in Kazakhstan, Siberia, on the Dekan plateau in India. In Ukraine and India there are significant reserves of manganese ores, in Kazakhstan and Turkey – chromites. Eurasia is rich with non-ferrous metals. Thus, tin and tungsten are found in the deposits of Southern China, on the peninsulas of Indochina and Malacca, on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Bauxite, used for the production of aluminum, lies in the territories of France and Hungary in Europe, on the Indochina Peninsula, lead, zinc and copper – in Kazakhstan, in the Caucasus Mountains.

Great reserves in Eurasia and fuel minerals. So, coal is mined in the Ruhr basin in Germany, Silesia in Poland, in the Donbass in Ukraine. Its large deposits are in Siberia, the Great Plain of China and East India.

Such important fuel minerals as oil and natural gas are found in the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf, on the West Siberian Plain. Currently, oil and gas are produced in Europe on the shelves of the North and Caspian Seas. South China – in Asia. Deposits of rock and potassium salts are in the foothills of the Urals and the Carpathians. In Asia, large deposits of gold and precious stones were discovered. Diamonds and gold are mined in the valley of the Lena River in Siberia, in India; emeralds and rubies – in India.



