V. V. Stasov, a famous music critic, wrote: “Glinka thought he creates only Russian opera, but he was wrong He created the whole Russian music, the whole Russian music school, a whole new system.”.
“The sun of Russian poetry” is called Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. His beautiful genius illuminated the whole subsequent path of Russian literature. With the same reason, one could call Glinka, “the sun of Russian music”, the great contemporary, friend and associate of Pushkin Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka.
Glinka – the first Russian composer, whose works have acquired an enduring, classical meaning. His work is one of the highest achievements of Russian culture, the pride and glory of the entire Russian people. He promoted Russian music to one of the first places among the leading national schools of European art. Tchaikovsky was right to write once in his diary: “… Glinka suddenly became one step along with Mozart, with Beethoven and with anyone.” It is possible without any exaggeration to say about the man who created “Glory!”
The desire to truthfully reflect the life of the people, to deep penetration into the structure of his thoughts and feelings was the main stimulus of the whole creativity of the great composer. The themes and plots of the main, most significant works of Glinka are associated with simple, everyday folk life and everyday life or with heroic images of native Russian history and folk epic.
In addition to two monumental, deeply folk-like operas – “Ivan Susanin” and “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” Glinka created outstanding works in other areas of musical creativity. Tchaikovsky believed that Glinka, in terms of his talent, was above all a remarkable, incomparable symphonist, although he wrote relatively few independent orchestral works. In his symphonic works Glinka widely developed images, melodies and rhythms of folk songs and dances. Such are his graceful, thoughtful, poetic “Waltz Fantasy,” full of fire and life, temperamental Spanish flamboyant overtures and especially unsurpassed “Kamarinskaya” in which all Russian symphonic music, according to the well-known expression of Tchaikovsky, is laid “just like all the oak in the acorn. “
Widespread popularity of Glinka’s romances, in which the captivating simplicity, sincerity and spontaneity of expression of feelings are combined with an ideal cleanliness of finishes and sharpness of form. In the music of Glinka, imbued with a clear and integral worldview, with an unusual harmony combined various elements, which then developed various representatives of the Russian music school. It is this exceptional inner wholeness and versatility of the creative appearance that put Glinka in a special place among the great Russian composers and give his works the meaning of an eternally beautiful and unfading pattern.