Methods of geographical research of the Earth

Although mankind has accumulated a lot of knowledge about the Earth, however, many phenomena and processes occurring on it have not been sufficiently studied. It is not always possible, for example, to envisage the consequences of the influence of economic activity on nature or to warn about an impending earthquake. Therefore, scientists continue to explore the surface of the Earth.

In geography, a variety of research methods are used. One of the simplest, classical methods is direct observation of the environment. Geography also widely uses the historical method. This is a kind of analysis of the development of objects of nature and society throughout the entire period of their existence. The geographical method is the cartographic method itself. It allows you to depict a variety of natural processes and phenomena through conventional signs.

To the modern belong physical, chemical, mathematical methods of research and methods of space geography. Physical methods provide an opportunity to learn the secrets of the earth’s crust and mantle, chemical – to trace the chemical composition of the cycles of substances in natural complexes. Mathematical methods are used to process a significant amount of information and create models of various phenomena and processes. occurring in nature. With the help of modern space research, it is possible to better understand the laws governing the development of the geographical envelope.



