Once I realized: literature in every person’s life plays a certain role.
In childhood, the child asks mom to read a fairy tale for him at night. He likes it, he is interested in it the same way as watching a favorite cartoon. The child thinks for the time being about his children’s mind about the heroes of fairy tales, and then, over time, he gradually begins to form a notion of good and evil, and he can already tell what is good and what is bad.
Then in school we study literature more intensively: we analyze poems and prose works, write essays. In the senior classes we study in detail the characters of the characters, comparing them with modern people. And if in childhood we do not think about who wrote a fairy tale or poem, then at school it becomes interesting to us why and how the work arose, so we address to the biography of the author. But it happens that a person says: “Come on, literature, sadness green!” Just such a person does not know what is inextricably linked to her. After all, even when we, for example, want to have fun and go, let’s say, to the theater, there we also encounter literature. Without a literary work, without the author’s intentions-the writer would not have been staged any performance, not a single ballet, no opera. Everywhere there is a plot, a plan. literature!
It would also be unfair to consider that the literature studied at school does not affect us, the students, on our relations with each other, with people, on the formation of our own views, beliefs and principles.
Here is an example. I’m sitting somehow at the lesson and I’m thinking not about the subject, but about how to quickly see my friend, whom I missed so much that it’s unbearable to participate in the lesson, but my soul is empty and dark. And I hear words of the teacher through my own thoughts: “Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said more than once, and it is evident through his works that every person should have a friend, a person close to him.” From these words, I seemed to wake up and with genuine interest began to listen to Chekhov. And then she told this to her friend, and she answered: “I respect him very much!”
Once we went with a class to St. Petersburg on the program “Petersburg Dostoevsky”. I will never forget this trip: we went on excursions, we listened to lectures of excellent teachers in the mornings, every evening they told us that they learned new things, performed various interesting assignments, went out of town. Tired, but this fatigue was so enjoyable! And one evening, when we returned to the hotel, I went into the room and heard one of my classmates saying to the other: “If a person believes that there is more than one love in the world, then a lot of it, then he will have lots of love. “. And she answered: “All the same it’s better when the only and the best, but this rarely happens, like Dostoevsky’s once and for all life.”
I enjoy reading. I like many writers. But my most favorite writer is Dostoevsky. His novel “Crime and Punishment” I adore. From the first lines, I fell in love with this novel, and the writer. And after I saw Dostoevsky Petersburg, I did not change my mind, but on the contrary, I was once again convinced that I was not mistaken.
And for the “awakening” of love and interest in literature, I owe my teacher of Russian language and literature Galina Nikolaevna Yehlakova. I will never forget her lessons, her calm tone, her sense of humor.