There are two types of knowledge of reality: scientific and artistic. Scientific – a reliable picture, an objective existence, the identification of laws governing the world, concepts are formulated. Science claims to be objective, accurate, correct.
The artistic type of knowledge is kindness, beauty, truth.
Artistic perception is always purely personal. It is always individual and exclusive, never pretend to be final.
“Art did not arise for the manifestation of a person in it, but to protect a person from their own anxieties.” – Likhachev.
The ancients identified five types of arts, the classification is based on the material carrier. Music – the art of sounds, painting – paints, sculpture – stone, architecture – plastic forms, literature – word.
The main parameters of art:
It is receptive and infinite
It changes with readers
It exists outside of time
Works of art are not conceivable without beauty
Is able to connect people and enable them to understand themselves and others
Can be born and exist in different conditions
This is a meaningful creative process
The first stage is symbolic art (the art of the Ancient East).
Classical art, content and form in harmony.
Romantic art – the Middle Ages and the time of Hegel himself, the spirit gravitates over matter.
Expressive and fine arts also stand out. Expressive expresses emotions, conveys the mood. Fine – embodies the idea. Expressive art is music, architecture, abstract painting, lyrics. Fine – painting, sculpture, drama and epic.
Classification of Kozhinov V. V.:
Static and dynamic
One-part and complex
Fine and expressive
Spatial and temporal
Until the 19th century, all fiction was called poetic art. In the beginning of the 19th century the term “elegant literature” appeared. In the literature, moral, ethical and aesthetic problems of life are investigated. Literature is always addressed to a person.
Litra as an art form – Aesthetic impact on the reader.
Litra – verbal art (material carrier – human speech). The main thing in poetry is the polysemy of the word, its allegory. Polysemy – chapters. source of imagery. Influence of the context. Speech recreates the appearance of the speaker. The writer aesthetically influences the reader. Hood. lit-ra – fine arts. Words are associated with depicted objects. Details and details are important. Associations – the comparison of objects and phenomena. The reader is an accomplice in the created artistic images. The reader himself chooses the pace of perception of the work. Verbal art influences other forms of art (artistic images live a second life: theater, radio, cinema, choreography).