Interesting facts about the theme “Oceans”

    The blue whale is the largest animal of the Earth. Its average length is 22-23 m. Sometimes individuals 30 m long occur. The weight of the blue whale reaches 150 tons. The blue whale is found in all parts of the World Ocean – from Chukotka to Antarctica. The largest among the fish is a whale shark, whose length can reach 20 m. This giant, unlike its relatives, is a fairly peaceful animal and like the whales eats only plankton. And the largest predators of this species include tiger shark, sea fox, hammer fish. In the Sea of ​​Japan and the Bering Sea, a giant Kamchatka crab lives. With their strong claws, reaching a length of 1.5 m, it quite easily cuts the hard shells of shellfish and sea urchins. King-shell is called a bivalve mollusk, which is found in the equatorial zone of the Pacific Ocean. This is a Pacific giant tridacna. Its dimensions are on average 50 cm. But there are mollusks up to 1.4 m long and weighing up to 250 kg. Tridakny reliably attached to the rocks, and an incautious diver can injure their sharp edges or even fall into captivity when closing the wings. The biggest slope in the ocean is the manta ray. She swims in the water column with the help of huge fins, reminiscent of the wings of a giant bird. The swing of the wings of the fins of the mantle can reach 7 m. Its second name is the sea devil – the manta got for the fins on the head, similar to the horns. Of the mollusks, the most “smart” are the cephalopods: octopus, squid and cuttlefish. These animals use tentacles with peculiar suckers like a hand. Cephalopods can quickly move in a reactive way, picking up and forcing out the water through a special tube – a siphon. An additional means of protection in cephalopods is the ability to create “ink clouds” in the water, which help them hide behind an impenetrable haven from the pursuer. The highest peak of Oceania – Jaya Mountain is on the island of New Guinea. The alstonia tree from the islands of Oceania has wood that is 25 times lighter than water, and this wood is very soft. In the forests of Oceania grows the creeper enthada creeping, the fruits of which are the longest in the world -150 cm. In the north of Australia, Fr. New Guinea and the Solomon Islands are the largest in the myrrh butterfly – Victoria Ornithoptera. The span of its wings reaches 30 cm, that is, it is larger than our starling. Local people use it for food. In the beetle-beetle, the banocera mustache is three times longer than the body -25 cm. These beetles are planted on the island. New Guinea. The opening of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was associated with the laying of the first transatlantic telephone cable between Europe and America in the 50’s. XIX century. It was then that almost in the center of the Atlantic Ocean were discovered seamounts with a height of more than 2000 m. The waters of the Atlantic at the equatorial latitudes off the coast are opaque, greenish in color. This is due to the fact that the most full-flowing rivers – the Amazon – flow into the ocean here. Congo, Niger. Although the tides near the equator are insignificant, they are impressed by the waves they create in the mouths of rivers. They turn the river water back. So, in the Amazon this wave reaches a height of 6 m. It moves fast and is capable of destroying everything in its path. The highest tidal waves are in the middle latitudes. In places with significant tides, tidal power stations are built, which convert the energy of waves into electric ones. So, The world’s first tidal power station is built on the Atlantic coast, in France. The Sargasso Sea is known not only for the accumulation of algae floating on its surface – Sargassos. The surface water temperature in it does not fall below + 20 ° C even in winter. And the water is so transparent that you can see objects at a depth of up to 60 m! The Sargasso Sea is also the spawning ground for freshwater eels that live in the rivers of the Old World. It is here that their fry are hatched. A little grown-up young growth of eels leaves “the sea without coasts” and takes a course on Europe, the trip to which lasts almost three years. The most famous course of the Atlantic Ocean – the Gulf Stream – originates in the Gulf of Mexico. It is from here that its name comes from the “current from the Gulf”. The Gulf Stream reaches a width of up to 75 km, and in depth – over 700 m. This gigantic warm water flow determines the climatic conditions of the vast expanses of temperate and polar latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. It is thanks to the Gulf Stream in Europe, despite its location in relatively high latitudes, a mild warm living-friendly climate. In 1969, the distinguished Swiss oceanographer Jacques Piccard, along with his like-minded people, carried out an extraordinary journey down the Gulf Stream in a special underwater vehicle – the mesoscafe. This apparatus drifted in the Gulf Stream stream at a depth of 200 m for 30 days and overcame a 6,000 km long path. The longest in the world is the current of the Western winds, which crosses in the southern part of the three oceans – Pacific, Atlantic and Indian. Its length is 30 thousand km, and the water speed is 30 km / h. The Red Sea is the only sea on the globe, in which no river flows. Its level is maintained by the inflow of water from the Indian Ocean through the Bab el Mandeb Strait. If there was no such connection, the Red Sea could dry up after 1-2 thousand years as a result of significant evaporation. Then in its place a depression with a depth of more than 2 km with a crust of salt on the bottom would form. At the bottom of the Red Sea, in its southern part, original “lakes” of hot water are found, the temperature in which reaches +62 ° С. Their origin is associated with the thermal waters from the faults in the earth’s crust, because the Red Sea was formed in the rift zone. One of the most ancient animals of our planet is the coelacanth. This fish existed already 300-400 million years ago. The four fins of the coelacanth are somewhat reminiscent of the finiteness of the amphibians. For a long time these fish were considered extinct. But in 1938 one of them was accidentally caught near the Comoros in the Indian Ocean. These rare fish live at considerable depths in the crevices of rocks. They reach a length of 1.8 m, and their mass is up to 100 kg. In the warmest waters of the World Ocean there are flying fish. Escaping predators, they jump out of the water and fly a certain distance above its surface. Fly them allow the elongated pectoral fins, reminiscent of wings. On one of the Seychelles, located in the Indian Ocean, there are giant, 1.5 m long elephant turtles. There are two types: armor and edible. The meat of a tortoise tortoise is considered poisonous, it is valued for its shell. Edible turtle is also called green, because the fat is green. From their meat, they make famous tortoiseshell soup. The largest in the world bay – Bengal in the Indian Ocean. Its area is about 2.2 million km2. It could accommodate four such countries as Ukraine. In the Indian Ocean is the world’s longest chain of coral islands and reefs, which includes Lakadiv, Maldives and Chagos. These archipelagoes were formed on the tectonic plateau of the Maldivian underwater ridge. In all oceans, the coolest waters have the best living conditions. Therefore, it is in areas of cold currents that most fish are caught: halibut, flounder, mackerel, herring, mullet, etc. An important sign of the wealth of marine fauna is the presence of a significant number of sharks and other predators. In the Indian Ocean is the world’s longest chain of coral islands and reefs, which includes Lakadiv, Maldives and Chagos. These archipelagoes were formed on the tectonic plateau of the Maldivian underwater ridge. In all oceans, the coolest waters have the best living conditions. Therefore, it is in areas of cold currents that most fish are caught: halibut, flounder, mackerel, herring, mullet, etc. An important sign of the wealth of marine fauna is the presence of a significant number of sharks and other predators. In the Indian Ocean is the world’s longest chain of coral islands and reefs, which includes Lakadiv, Maldives and Chagos. These archipelagoes were formed on the tectonic plateau of the Maldivian underwater ridge. In all oceans, the coolest waters have the best living conditions. Therefore, it is in areas of cold currents that most fish are caught: halibut, flounder, mackerel, herring, mullet, etc. An important sign of the wealth of marine fauna is the presence of a significant number of sharks and other predators.



