Dürrenmatt was gifted not only with his talent as a writer, but also with his ability to paint. Strictly speaking, he began his independent creative life as a graphic artist and only in time, having weighed all the pros and cons, decided to make a living by professional literary work, and painting is his hobby. However, in terms of professionalism, Durenmatt’s picturesque and graphic works were not much inferior to his literary work. They can be considered as author’s illustrations for the writer’s artistic texts. In the house of Dürrenmatt there was a telescope made according to his own sketch. Observing the starry sky was one of the writer’s favorite entertainments. Starry sky often appears in his plays, and in some works – as, for example, in dramas “The Angel Comes to Babylon” or “
Interesting details of the life and work of FJ Durenmatt