How to become an adult

Before you answer yourself to the question of how to become an adult, you should determine the very meaning of the word. What is it like to be an adult, what does this mean for a person? Denote the main qualities inherent in adults. They:

Responsible; possess the skills of self-discipline; independent.

Adult people know how to set goals, overcome difficulties, make decisions. They are wise enough and learn from their mistakes, they learn from each a useful lesson.

How to become an adult – a responsible, organized person? Let’s try to figure this out. Let us consider two cases.

A teenager who wants to become an adult rather

Becoming an adult is the dream of many children. After all, adults can do everything – no one is not an edict. However, this, of course, is a distorted concept, and growing up, we sometimes miss our childhood, when everything was much easier – they cared for us, we were guarded. Now we are responsible for ourselves, and this is not always easy. But if you are already at your young age aware of what it means to grow up, then you are ready for it. We’ll figure out how to become an adolescent and change the attitudes of others around you.

First, tell yourself these simple words: “I am now an adult.” Believe in them. Then others will perceive you the same way. It is important at the same time to work on yourself, as for all spheres of life. The most important is that you need to develop responsibility, self-discipline and independence.

A responsibility. Take the assignment – do it exactly on time or even earlier, and monitor the quality of performance. Be responsible for your words, actions and decisions. Think before you promise something, otherwise the environment will consider you a windbag, and this adult person does not exactly paint.

Self-discipline. This is necessary if you want to be responsible and independent. How can you fulfill what you have planned and promised, if you do not know how to control yourself, manage your laziness? That’s right, no way. Adhere to at least an approximate daily routine, limit the periods of “doing nothing”. Accustom yourself to a new useful habit that you will constantly adhere to.

Independence. Less often seek help from parents, try to “break” the feasible difficulties on their own. Take care of housework, find part-time work in your spare time to have your own pocket money. This will earn you the respect and approval of your parents.

Having developed these qualities, you will already become much more mature. But this is not enough. Apply skills in study, communication. Learn to build more adult relationships with people.

With adults, communicate in an adult way. However, this also applies to conversations with peers. Do not raise your voice, do not shout, be as correct as possible. Politeness is the guarantee of adult communication. Do not whine – whiners very few people take seriously, communicate with them try to avoid. Listen to constructive criticism calmly, without aggressive reactions. Know how to admit mistakes, apologize.

Finally, set goals. Adults can do it. How do you see your future? People who think about this, do not delay the important “for later”, they grow up more quickly.

An adult who once forgot to grow up

Many people in 25, 30, 50 still can not identify themselves as adults, despite their biological age. And why? Adults are difficult – they think. It’s much easier, when the responsibility for one’s life lies with someone else. Such people are often dependent on family or friends, do not live on their own, do not have clearly defined goals.

Infantilism can be comfortable. Adults sometimes find it difficult – it’s true. But it is the complexity that makes a person stronger. There are wise words that only under a gusty wind oak becomes stronger and more enduring, so with a man. Do not be afraid of difficulties, they just harden and make life more interesting.

If you are already accustomed to an infantile way of thinking and living, what can you do? Learn from scratch. The main thing is to make a firm decision to grow up and gradually learn responsibility, independence, proper communication, setting goals and organization. All you have is – just start working on your life.



