How does the composition differ from the presentation

Studying literature at school is very exciting and informative. It is on this subject that we get acquainted with the work of great authors, with masterpieces of Russian and foreign literature. But there are also difficulties in studying. Teachers are required to teach poems, write essays and other creative works. Today we will analyze what this statement is, learn how to write it correctly, and also consider some tricks that will make your work much easier.

We will begin with the very concept of what such a statement is. Let’s give a real example of a fifth-grader’s work and analyze all the mistakes that should not be allowed. Let’s try to write an ideal statement, taking into account the teacher’s corrections. We propose to proceed immediately.

So, what is this statement? This is one of the types of creative work on literature. Teachers very often use the presentation to control the knowledge of students. To get a high estimate for a quarter, you need to try hard and bring the quality of your creative work to the ideal state.

What is the meaning of the presentation? You read, or you read a short text, usually from classical literature. Next, you need to analyze what you read or hear and write a brief retelling, preserving the main idea of ​​the work or its passage. There is also such kind of work as oral presentation. What is it used for? The presentation (oral and written) allows you to create skills in spelling and stylistics, which is very necessary for survival in our society. After graduation, the student must be a formed personality, who can beautifully and smoothly express his thoughts, has certain goals in life.

First, the teacher reads the text. The student’s task is to fix the necessary data (numbers, names, sequence of events, and so on). The teacher gives some time to write a draft version, the student must leave empty places where it is necessary (forgot something, did not have time to write down). The text is then read again. This is the last chance to add something in your presentation. Complement the draft version, check the spelling, punctuation, style. The next stage is writing a clean version.

Often such a practice is encountered: together with the statement, it is necessary to perform a small creative task (to headline the text, write an expanded conclusion, that is, one’s attitude to the problem, add an unfinished thought, and so on).

When the teacher reads the text for the first time, it is necessary to do some sketching. It is very important at this stage to formulate a plan of presentation. One part is a separate paragraph. It is necessary to listen carefully and to divide the entire text into semantic parts. Write them down, and you will get a plan. It allows you to write beautiful and slender text, not to get confused in the sequence of events occurring in the text.

How does the composition differ from the presentation