How are respect and dignity connected?

In the most ancient monument of our writing – “The Tale of Bygone Years” – there is a story about a fearless warrior, Prince Svyatoslav. All his life this military commander spent in military campaigns. A huge number of battles fell to his lot. It is clear that Prince Svyatoslav had many enemies. Describing the relationship with them, the chronicler calls an interesting detail: every time when Svyatoslav was going to march, he sent a messenger with a warning: “I’m going to you!” . Thus, respecting his enemies, Svyatoslav neglected the advantage of a surprise attack and always gave the enemies the opportunity to prepare for defense. This historical example helps to understand that respect must be manifested in actions, certain actions. It’s not enough just to think: “I respect my interlocutor.” He did not do anything bad, ” so that we are considered sensitive people. Respect is always active. It is incompatible with indifference. Respect all the time, confirm, demonstrating the recognition of the dignity of another person. The deep connection of respect and dignity is embodied in the phrase “worthy of respect.” Everyone has his own dignity and that is why he is worthy of respect. You remember that moral prescriptions define dignity as recognition of the value of each person by the very fact of belonging to humanity. Thus, to respect a person is to recognize his value. Everyone has his own dignity and that is why he is worthy of respect. You remember that moral prescriptions define dignity as recognition of the value of each person by the very fact of belonging to humanity. Thus, to respect a person is to recognize his value. Everyone has his own dignity and that is why he is worthy of respect. You remember that moral prescriptions define dignity as recognition of the value of each person by the very fact of belonging to humanity. Thus, to respect a person is to recognize his value.

Meanwhile, this understanding of respect does not absolve us from the duty to act from the position of goodness, so that we have something to respect for. To be worthy of the title of a person is to be a Benefactor. Respect is also associated with reverence. Nouns “respect”, “reverence” are used as synonyms. Slavs have long said: who respects himself, and people revere, and the people honor, emphasizing the importance of self-esteem – virtue, capable of resisting neglect, rudeness, humiliation of dignity, arrogance.

Insolence – rudeness.

Neglect is a lack of respect. Disrespect, pride, contempt.

Respect is a feeling, an attitude towards someone, which is based on the recognition of his dignity, virtues, merits, etc.; manifestation of such a feeling.

Rudeness is the impudent behavior of a person who neglects any moral precepts, norms. Insolence, insolence.



