Stockholm – northern Venice

Stockholm – the capital of Sweden – is called the Northern Venice not by chance. The city is located on the shores of the strait, connecting Lake Mälaren with the Baltic Sea, and on

Population and appearance of the cities of medieval Europe

The composition of the population of the medieval city was extremely heterogeneous. The craftsmen prevailed in it, who themselves sold their own products, combining in one person an artisan and a merchant. Most of

Arab Spain

At the end of VII century. The Arabs conquered North Africa from the Byzantines, and reached the Atlantic Ocean. They managed to convert the local Berber tribes to Islam. In 710, the Arabs crossed

The reign of Emperor Justinian. “Golden age”

The heyday of Byzantium fell during the reign of Emperor Justinian. Justinian was an enlightened, intelligent, strong-willed and at the same time cruel, insidious, unlimited ambitious and power-hungry. He married the charming Theodore –

The Ukrainian city in the second half of 19 in

What was the Ukrainian city in the second half of the 19th century? From the second half of the 19th century. In the life and way of life of the population of Ukraine, serious

Jan Hus – Bethlehem rebel. The struggle of the Czech Republic with German dominance

At the beginning of the XV century. the Czechs have run out of patience. They rose to fight the German dominance and the “corruption” of the clergy. The townspeople sought a cheap church, noblemen

The Frankish state of the Carolingians. Flowering

The real heyday of the Frankish kingdom reached in the era of the reign of Charlemagne, the son of Pepin the Short. It is by the name of Carla that the royal dynasty, founded

Jan Hus and the Hussite Wars

At the beginning of the XV century. The struggle of the Czech people against German domination and the Catholic Church was led by Jan Hus. He was born into a peasant family in the

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov was the first to open the way to the creation of the Russian lyrical landscape. The pupil of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, he relied on the traditions

Christianity in the early Middle Ages

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, Christianity for almost two centuries was the official religion of the Roman Empire. Support for the church by the state contributed to its administrative and economic strengthening.
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