History of Elk Life

It’s not difficult to see such a machine: more than two meters in height! A large brown body with a humpbacked head seems to float through the air. It seems so because the tall elk legs are white and in smooth movements are not visible against the background of the snow.

Big ears startled. He looks ahead. Eyes with soft sadness, upper lip plump. Dobryak!

The previous horns were thrown off in December, in the spring new ones began to grow, but so quickly – in centimeters per day! Initially, soft, overgrown with hairs. It hurts when the mosquitoes bite him. There is no livingness for every beast in the forest. The moose plunges into the water somewhere in the swamp, leaves only the nose above the surface, sprays splashes through which mosquitoes and plantlets can not get through.

In May or June, two moose babies were born. They are fifteen minutes old, and they are already on their feet. On the second day – good pedestrians. On the fifth – to catch up with them, we must run very frisky, and on the tenth – moose and elk will not fall behind. And the horns? Horns… Not soon they will crown the heads of young moose. Only after five months will swell at the kids on the heads of the “bumps”. But only in the second year, in the spring, “shill” or “matches” will grow out of them – children’s horns.

Eats moose and grass, but prefers – branches, leaves, and also bark eats. Near the shores of the lakes there is a water plant. Behind them dives even to the bottom, sometimes to a depth of five meters!

Forest handsome makes you admire. And you have to hunt him with a camera in your hand.



