Illusion and reality in Moliere’s comedy “Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme”
The greatest writer who worked in the period of classicism, was Moliere, the creator of French comedy, one of the founders of the French national theater. In the comedy “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”
My day at school
My name is Kate. I want to tell you about one of my days at school. I’m in the 6th grade. My class is not very big, only twenty people: twelve boys and eight
On the work of F. Stendhal
According to the researchers, Stendhal’s spiritual development was affected by uneasy relations with his father, who was a type of self-satisfied smug bourgeois. The writer built his artistic world in many respects as opposed
I bow to self-control and the will to live the heroes of Jack London
The whaling ship Bedford picked up a man who, exhausted, crawled to the sea. Before getting here, he had to overcome the trials, which seemed to be beyond the strength of man… Two gold
Briefly about the creativity of Merime Prosper
Prosper Merimee began his creative career in the mid-1920s. as an active participant in the romantic movement. One by one, his works appeared, not similar to the previous ones on themes and genre nature.
The theme of personality in the works of E. Hemingway
What do we know about the writer E. Hemingway? He is a man of extraordinary abilities, since he has not only interesting works, but also life. The catastrophic times of the First World War,
Hypocrisy – “this is my only weapon”
The world outlook and personal destiny of Julien Sorel have developed in close dependence on the historical events that took place in France. From the past, he borrows his code of honor, which should
Features of Hemingway’s style
Literary critics refer Hemingway to realistic writers. Defining the task of the master of the word, the great American wrote: “… It is always to write truthfully, and comprehend the truth, to express it
The negative characters in the novel by Charles D. Dickens “David Copperfield”
Many events in the novel “David Copperfield” echo the events in the life of the writer himself. It is a novel-recollection, where the first impressions and judgments of a child are carefully delivered to
I want to become a teacher
Finishing school, millions of young people begin an independent life. They can start working, doing business or continuing their studies to get a higher education. Almost every Russian city has one or more institutions.
My favorite book is “Robinson Crusoe” by D. Defoe
I started to read books early. Sometimes they took too much free time from me, but they also gave incomparably more. The surrounding world, the secrets of nature, I learn from books. Several times
Headless horseman
“Rider without a head” is a fascinating adventure, mystery and love drama novel by American writer Mein Reed. During my time at school, I read many interesting books. But the “Headless Horseman” is my
Works for the 5th grade in the Russian language
Composition on the theme “My favorite animal.” I like animals a lot. But most of all, of course, his hamster Homko. He’s small and so helpless. In Khomki gray coat color with small dark
Life and work of Charles Baudelaire
… Baudelaire, I’m thinking about you. P. Antokolsky For many generations of readers, the French poet Charles Baudelaire remains a lonely dreamer, a romantic ghost in the streets of the world city, waiting in
“Mateo Falcone”
What complex and ambiguous feelings caused in me the story of P. Mérimée “Mateo Falcone”! Following the severe code of honor of Corsica, the protagonist of the work has lived the life of his
Man of the future work
Throughout the entire time of human existence, human activity was characterized by a consumer attitude toward nature. I believe that if we continue to squander the same natural resources, the future of mankind will
On the creativity of RM Rilke
The creative evolution of RM Rilke reflects the general logic of the development of literature at the end of the nineteenth and the first third of the twentieth centuries. At the same time, the
About the work of F. Kafka
The creative development of the writer was influenced by the classics of literature of the 19th century: C. Dickens, G. Kleist, G. Flaubert, F. Dostoyevsky, and others, as well as the Danish thinker S.
Writing bad habits
I, like many others, suffer from bad habits. The habits of gnawing at fingernails, tattooing the earlobe, stooping, fidgeting in the chair, shuffling with walking, etc. can be classified as harmful. It is a
The relationship between father and son in the novel by J. Aldridge “The Last inch”
The plot of the novel by James Aldridge is externally rather simple. Briefly it can be conveyed as follows: pilot Ben flew to Shark Bay on the Red Sea to take photos of sharks.
Composition on the theme of fishing
I’m a city dweller. And as a city-dweller, I’m used to the fact that I am always surrounded by comfort and civilization, I am accustomed to the noise of transport, factories, factories. Nearby shops,
Conquest of Hearts
Strictly all Stendhal experiences his hero in love. It is in love Zhyulen Sorel, despite all attempts to turn this feeling into an instrument of ambitious designs, nature is revealed as a selfless, passionate
Omar Khayyam is an unsurpassed master of rubai
The image of the great poet of the East Omar Khayyam is fanned with legends, the biography is full of secrets and mysteries. His full name can hardly fit in one line. But even
Images of the main characters of the tragedy “Faust” Goethe
I now taste my own supreme moment. I. Goethe Goethe wrote his tragedy “Faust” for over 25 years. The first part of it was published in 1808, the second – only a quarter of
My business card
In your business card, you have to say what your name is, how old are you, what grade you are in, what your favorite subject is, where you live. Tell us about your family,
Bazarov’s work
The novel “Fathers and Sons” by IS Turgenev was published in 1862. Since then, he continues to delight readers with his artistic merits, and the political, philosophical and aesthetic problems raised by the writer
Aesthetic creed of the writer
Returning in 1822 to France, Stendhal plunges into the atmosphere of literary struggle. Official Paris met its writer unfriendly, here rumors have already come about the “dubious” Italian acquaintances of Stendhal. The writer does
Labor feeds, and laziness spoils
Every morning people start from work. The school boy sits at the desk, the driver climbs into the cabin, the worker gets to the machine. The student takes the book, because reading is also
What was the theater in Shakespeare’s time?
Firstly, it was distinguished by a special arrangement and arrangement of the stage, which resembled either a trapezoid or an oval and protruded deep into the stalls. This created the illusion of an area
Questions and answers to the work of J. Swift “Gulliver in the Land of the Lilliputians”
How did Gulliver manage the money his father sent him? What was Gulliver’s most cherished dream? What did the first country Gulliver visited look like? How did the people of Lilliputians behave towards Gulliver?
Motif of metamorphosis in the novel by F. Kafka “Transformation”
I scream… but who will help, So that my soul does not die? N. Gumilev “Transformation”, in my opinion, is one of the most terrible works of world literature and the most famous short
What is lost and what did Gobsek find?
In it live two creatures, a miser and A philosopher, a vile creature and sublime. O. de Balzac. Gobsek What an ambiguous personality was able to create Honore de Balzac in his novel “Gobsek”!
Interesting details of the life and work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Despite a modest circulation, the first edition of The Suffering of the Young Werther made a lot of noise in Germany and abroad. The German youth put on a “werewolf suit,” many young people,
The Importance of Language in Human Life
The importance of language in the life of man and society, the functions that it carries – this is a very important side of the existence of society. It preserves the spiritual and cultural
An eccentric and visionary Munchausen
Once Baron Munchausen walked through the forest. He kept a bag of cherries, which he bought in a village shop. However, the deer prevented him from enjoying it. He suddenly appeared from the forest
What seems relevant today at Moliere? How is it modern?
The works of Jean-Baptiste Moliere in spirit are very close to the Russian people. Moliere knew that comedy art touches his contemporaries more and deeper than tragedy. His life credo was – “entertaining, to
The Prometheus Fire
Antique art with its unrivaled masters of literature, painting, sculpture and architecture survived the century. The images and plots of ancient mythology were widely used by subsequent generations, they are not forgotten even today.
Characteristics of the artistic world RM Rilke
The profound philosophical content of works, the direction of poetic thought to comprehend world being in its integrity; artistic development of the concept of the unity of life and death, most vividly embodied in
Composition on the theme of the favorite season of the summer
I’ve always loved summer months more than all the other seasons. It’s a vacation! And the long-awaited hot season comes! No jackets, no sweaty hats! Down with the gloves, which all the time you
My future profession is a psychologist
My name is Marina and I’m 16 years old. This year I graduate from school and the question that bothers me most is where to continue learning. I have already decided what kind of
What is the tragedy of Martin Eden?
“On the beach at night alone, As the old mother sways her to and fro Singing her husky song “. (At night by the sea one, Water, like an old mother, with a husky
The problem of choice in the tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
To be or not to be, that is the question. V. Shakespeare. Hamlet The tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is rightly recognized as one of the greatest philosophical tragedies, since it touches upon questions
Questions and answers to the story of J. London “Love of life”
How did it happen that the hero of Jack London was left alone with the wild nature? What made a man pull himself together? Nature suppressed him with her greatness and indifference, but the
The inner struggle of the protagonist and his insight
Young and ambitious Julien Sorel seeks to make a career in a brutal, hostile society. To achieve this goal, he has no means and possibilities, except hypocrisy, whose “art” he is compelled to master
“Here they are, these rich people…”
Under Napoleon, a young man like Julien Sorel could quickly make a brilliant career. But the political winds at the moment when we meet with the young hero of Stendhal, blowing in a different
The relevance of the image of the protagonist of the comedy Moliere “The philistine in the nobility”
The desire of every person to break out in life – to become better, smarter, richer, completely understandable. It is worthy of respect for his desire to rise a step higher. The main thing