Category: Essays on literatuire

  • Composition on the theme of a little man

    The first of the Russian writers who touched upon the theme of the “little man” was Pushkin. His story “The Stationmaster” is devoted to the modest existence of station supervisor Samson Vyrin. The story became the first of a number of works of Russian literature devoted to this topic. In the poem “The Bronze Horseman”…

  • Creativity Shakespeare-playwright

    Shakespeare’s playwright-play is divided into three periods: Первый, так называемый оптимистический, ознаменован появлением произведений, которые пронизаны верой в победу добра над злом, торжеством человечности, ума и справедливости. Наиболее известные среди них – исторические хроники “Ричард III”, “Генрих IV”, а также искрометные комедии “Укрощение строптивой”, “Сон в летнюю ночь”, “Венецианский купец”, “Много шума из ничего”, “Двенадцатая…

  • Is the main hero of the story of Balzac “Gobsek” modern?

    Unshakable only one single feeling, Embedded in us by nature itself: the instinct Self-preservation. In the states of European civilization This instinct is called personal interest. O. Balzac “Human comedy” Balzac, which includes the story “Gobsek”, still has not lost its relevance. Perhaps because people have changed little since then. Kindness, sensitivity, devotion, purity still…

  • Is it easy to be an apprentice

    Is it easy to be a disciple? Is it easy to go to school? Is it easy to learn something new every day, learn and try something that you have never done before in your life? It seems to me that there can be only one answer to this question – it is difficult! What…

  • The screen version of the novel by E. M. Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea”

    To the story “The Old Man and the Sea” cinematographers from different countries addressed. The first screen version of the work appeared even during Hemingway’s life in 1958. Participation in the work on it was accepted by the writer himself. Striving for reliability, he wanted the filmmakers to shoot not a dummy, but a real…

  • Is Carrie happy?

    “Sister Kerry” … like those who love shine, And the excitement of Broadway, and the atmosphere of the capital as a whole. “ “Everyone… strives for one thing – to be as happy as possible”. T. Dreiser The novel “Sister Kerry” by Theodore Dreiser came out in print in 1900. The pursuit of wealth, which…

  • Directions in Russian Literature

    Classicism – a direction in the literature of the XVII – beginning of the XIX century, focusing on the aesthetic standards of ancient art. The main idea is the approval of the priority of the mind. At the heart of aesthetics is the principle of rationalism: a work of art must be intelligently constructed, logically…

  • My favorite subject of mathematics is composition

    I like mathematics more than other subjects. It was enough for an ancient man to count to five or ten. His life was too simple, primitive. Now everything is not so. Without mathematics today it is impossible to live in the world. Numbers surround us everywhere. Seconds and minutes, kilometers and millimeters, grams and kilograms,…

  • The originality and originality of the comedies of Moliere

    When Louis XIV asked In Pualo, who is the most Wonderful writer of the century, He replied: “Moliere.” M. Bulgakov There is no monument on his grave. A cast-iron plate, lying on the spot where a comediographer and an actor was buried beneath four feet of consecrated ground, collapsed from time to time. There is…

  • The adventures of a boy who became superplated

    If at school the teacher gave the task to the guys at the drawing class to depict on the sheet of paper the car tire track, everyone would be surprised: what kind of drawing is this? But Calle Blomqvist, the hero of the book Astrid Lindgren, a thirteen-year-old Swede, without any assignment from the instructor,…