Writing about maternity
Vasily Kirillovich Nechitailo is a Soviet painter whose paintings are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg, the Ulyanovsk Regional Museum. One of the most moving and light of his
My future profession is the accountant essay
In choosing a profession, I probably will focus on accounting work. At us this family – after all the bookkeeper in the big firm of wholesale trade my native Aunt Liza works. She’s been
“Life is a difficult and difficult craft, and you need to make an effort to learn.” What would you like to learn?
It is difficult not to agree with this finished thought of the great Frenchman Balzac, but in each craft there are its basics, without the comprehension of which something more serious will simply not
Scrooge’s Life
-With the Friars approaching you, Mr. Scrooge! -Nonsense! Nonsense! – Do not you want to have fun? -Why did it happen? -That’s Christmas! Merry Christmas-tree! -And you have many reasons for fun? Fail with
Honore de Balzac – the glory and pride of France
Honore de Balzac is a great French writer-realist. His merit in the development of world literature lies primarily in the fact that he raised the genre of the novel to the heights of artistic
And the world remembers the work saved
The war… A terrible word, at the mention of which bloody pictures arise: the wounded, the soldiers killed in action, the children and old men shot by the fascists, the people exhausted in concentration
Nora’s image
The readers of our time have many questions when he reads the “Doll House” by G. Ibsen. Time is different, people have changed, values have depreciated, on the one hand, on the other –
Loneliness of man in the world of absurdity
Franz Kafka – the bearer of a very peculiar, deformed vision of the world, which is reflected in the mind of the writer, as in a crooked mirror. Everything in this world is distorted,
ABC about a naked and poor person
Russian satire XVII century. has drawn into its sphere and from time immemorial, since the XII century. popular in our genre of “intelligent alphabet” – works in which individual phrases are arranged in alphabetical
On the novel “Vanina Vanini” by F. Stendhal
In the 20-ies. Stendhal creates several works that testify to the rapid development of the writer’s realistic talent. Among them, the novel “Vanina Vanini”, written in 1829, occupies a special place. The hero of
The tragedy of Martin Eden
How many of them fell into this abyss, Deployed in the distance! There will come a day when I will disappear From the surface of the earth. M. Tsvetaeva Jack London’s novel “Martin Eden”
Is the valiant knight Don Quixote of La Mancha ridiculous?
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra conceived a novel about Don Quixote as a parody of the knightly novels that overrun medieval Spain. But the parodies, according to critics, did not work. There was a novel
My favorite work of art
Art. It fascinates us with the power of beauty: the beauty of sounds, the beauty of the senses, the beauty of what they saw. And if someone has already enchanted a person – then
The theme of education in the novel by Charles D. Dickens “David Copperfield”
I understood very well that I had Such tests, of which they are not They can have no idea. C. Dickens The novel by Charles D. Dickens “David Copperfield” by genre is close to
Monument to the Russian Soldier
Berlin. Treptow Park. Monument to the Russian Soldier To some friends, I already said that there is no “Victory Day” holiday in Germany. From history you know that on May 8, a capitulation was
Speech as a means of communication
Communication is communication between people, reflecting the level of their information in any area, which serves as a means of information transfer and as a whole is a necessary “attribute” in the life of
The image of Childe Harold as the embodiment of the Byronic hero
The most famous of Byron’s poems is Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. The poem was created in parts. The first two of her songs were written during Byron’s trip to Portugal, Spain, Albania, Greece. The third
How to become a real captain?
Rummaging in a box with toys, I pulled out a compass with a torn off arrow, which I was given a few years ago. The compass quickly bored me, and when the arrow fell
Composition of the animal world
For two hundred thousand years man and animals live side by side on planet Earth. During this time, not only the appearance of man and animals changed, but also the relationship between them. At
Composition Oblomovism
The main character of the novel IA Goncharov “Oblomov” – Ilya Ilich Oblomov. He was a landowner who lived from his serfs working for him. Since childhood he has had a carefree life, his
Nizami Ganjavi and Afak
Who is Nizami Ganjavi? A simple embroiderer from Ganja, for that is how his plain name, which stands under the finest poems that Iran has ever heard, is translated. The exuberant and significant Abu
Life and work of Federico García Lorca
Why did you, Spain, look to the sky, When Garcia Lorca was led to be shot? N. Aseev August 19, 1936, eight kilometers from Granada, was shot by the great Spanish poet Federico García
Man and scientific and technological progress in the novels of K. Vonnegut
The ancestors of the world-famous American writer of German descent Kurt Vonnegut arrived in America long before the appearance of the Statue of Liberty. Both grandfather and father Vonnegut were born in Indiana, but
Do not always cure the soul of the soul
Maxim Gorky is the literary name of the famous writer Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. He was born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1868. In origin Gorky by no means belonged to those scum of society, the
“To be or not to be?” – the main issue of the play “Hamlet” by V. Shakespeare
“To be or not to be?” – a question that has always stood in front of people: to resist evil or to reconcile with it? try to change the world in which injustice triumphs,
The novel by J. Orwell “1984” – novel-anti-utopia
I do not think that the arrival of totalitarianism in Europe was delayed by two novels – “1984” Orwell and “Blinding Darkness” Koestler… but they played a huge role in this. J. Wayne In
The Problem of Good and Evil in the Shakespearean tragedy “Hamlet”
To be kind, I need me Ruthlessness. V. Shakespeare Probably, there are no people who perceive Good and Evil as something definite once and for all. In the same way, as there is no
Conflicting the image of Faust
The blind man, who proudly rushes with dreams, Who seeks us as equals behind the clouds! Become firmly here – and around you watch everything: For business and this world is not it. I.
Why you need a dash
The value of punctuation marks always performs the task of facilitating reading. In the ancient manuscripts we see complex screensavers and initial letters, but the words are written with minimal spaces, without any capitalization
The role of artistic details in the story “Gobsek” by O. de Balzac
The fidelity of the artistic detail is a characteristic feature of Balzac’s realism. Creating the image of Gobsek, the writer uses a number of definitions that allow to emphasize and show the reader a
What are the verb phrases
Types of word combinations by stem word Depending on the affiliation of the main word to one or another part of speech, the lexico-grammatical types of word combinations differ: verbal, nominal and adverbial. In
Moliere is a great comediographer of the era of classicism
None of the periods of development of art does not pass without a trace. Artistic discoveries of classicism are alive to the present day. One of the testimonies of the living significance of classicism
Composition in the forest
In the woods it is pleasant to walk at any time of the year. His nature is always diverse and invariably beautiful. It is very interesting to observe the forest inhabitants: squirrels, hares, small
Interesting details of the life and work of Guy de Maupassant
Maupassant liked to embarrass the peace of self-satisfied townsfolk. In the 1870s, when Europe was seized by fear of terrorist acts of Russian Narodnaya Volya, the young writer, together with his friends’ company, arranged
The art world of Charles Dickens
Dickens the artist had a rich imagination. This amazing power of imagination and knowledge of the unsightly aspects of the life of Victorian England helped the writer create a multi-faceted and multicolored art world
“Red and black” F. Stendhal as a socio-psychological novel
The main reason for this definition of the genre specificity of the work is that in it these social processes and collisions are refracted through the prism of the consciousness and reactions of the
Characteristic features of the Shakespeare Theater
Use of borrowed plots, which in its processing received a new artistic embodiment, poetic breathing and philosophical content; the special role of the jester in the plays – the character most vividly illustrating the
About the work of Charles Dickens
The first works of Dickens are marked by the influence of the English Enlightenment, sentimentalism and romanticism. The plot in them was built mainly in the form of a chain of arbitrary situations, in
Writing what is a miracle
I am 12 years old. Many of my peers consider themselves already old enough not to believe in miracles. And I recently realized that everything is not so simple. It was a cold winter
Composition of a portrait of a friend
The first impression Dmitry is a man, communication with which always causes only positive emotions. This is a very open, kind, cheerful person by nature. He is very active and purposeful. He has beautiful
My favorite season is spring
They say that nature has no bad weather. Each season is beautiful in its own way. Nature changes its attire, and we have the opportunity to spend time in various ways. There are places
The problem of human responsibility for life on Earth in the novel by Ch. Aitmatov “Burannyi polustanik”
The thought of the responsibility of man for life on Earth is present in every work of the writer, because in this he sees the meaning of a person’s life. Burannyi Edigey is one
Composition og what is good
Goodness is what comes from the heart. It can not be placed in any frame, giving it an absolutely precise definition, but it can be felt. Goodness is a person’s ability to do unselfish
The experiment of Professor Higgins
You play with the doll, but it’s alive. B. Shaw. Pygmalion The comedy “Pygmalion” – one of the most famous in the work of B. Shaw. At the heart of her story is the
Style is an age
To begin with, what is a style, this word has several meanings. Style – a form of life and activity, characterizing the characteristics of communication, behavior and thinking, the manner of behaving, dressing, methods
Essay on the life and work of DG Byron
In the history of mankind there are names that never cease to excite the minds and hearts of more and more generations. Interest in them is so deep that sometimes even forgotten how long
The search for the promised land
“The most unfortunate of people is the one for whom there was no work in the world.” T. Carlyle Infinitely long federal highway No. 66. It stretches across Oklahoma, Kansas to California itself –
Questions and answers to the work of O. Henry
What is remarkable about the life of the writer O. Henry? The real name of this American writer is William Sidney Porter. He lived a short life – only forty-eight years. But it was
Merimee Prosper and Ukraine
Ukraine took a prominent place in the historical and artistic works of Merimee. In the book “Episode from Russian History: False Dmitriy” the writer proposed an original hypothesis, according to which the impostor was
The history of the creation of the story “Gobsek” by O. de Balzac
Small in volume, written in the form of a story in a story, the story “Gobsek” is directly related to the novel “Father Gorio”. In this story, we again meet with some “recurring heroes”