Ernest Hemingway is an American novelist and journalist, Nobel laureate, one of the most popular writers of the 20th century, who entered the “pantheon” of cult figures. Hemingway became widely known as a representative of the “literature of the lost generation” and the artist who enriched the modernist direction with a whole complex of new artistic principles and techniques. In his work reflected the spiritual biography of a generation that survived two world wars and, despite the severe shocks and disappointments that remained faithful to humanistic values.
The life of E. Hemingway in dates and facts
July 21, 1899 – was born in the suburbs of Chicago in the family of a doctor. In school years he was fond of sports and literary creativity.
1917 – after graduation went to Kansas City, where he settled down as a reporter in the newspaper “Star”, which became his first journalistic school.
1918 – signed up as a driver of the American detachment of the Red Cross, went to the Italo-Austrian front of the First World War.
July 8, 1918 – was seriously wounded in the legs. After a long treatment, which required a series of operations, he was demobilized and returned to the United States, where he got a job in the Canadian newspaper Toronto Daily Star. Hemingway, free from the reporter’s time, gave literary creativity. During this period, he approached the writers, united around the famous American writer Sh. Anderson.
1922 – as a correspondent of the Canadian newspaper came to Paris, from where he sent European correspondence and where he gradually entered the Wednesday of the leading writers.
1923 – published his first book “Three Stories and Ten Poems”, after which he refused to do journalistic work in order to fully concentrate on artistic creation.
1924 – the book “Nowadays” was published, which made Hemingway a notable figure in the literary life of the 1920s.
1925 -1935 – a period of rapid growth of the talent and glory of the writer. During this decade, his novels The Fiesta, Farewell, Arms appeared and became widely known. , collections of stories “Men without women,” “The winner does not receive anything,” as well as sketch-publicistic and autobiographical books “Death in the Afternoon,” “Green Hills of Africa.”
1931 – came out on the screen shot on the novel of the same name with the movie “Farewell to Arms!”, Enthusiastically received by the public.
1937 – as a representative of the American Telegraph Agency, the writer went to Spain, engulfed in the Civil War. Under fire on the front line, he took off the chronicle “The Spanish Land,” which received wide resonance in the United States. Impressions of what he saw in Spain Hemingway laid the basis of his novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, sold millions in circulation.
1939 – bought in Cuba, Villa Fink Vihiya, which for many years became his home, hospitably opened for many friends and acquaintances.
1942-1943 – carried out flights on his own boat “Pilar”, collecting secret information about the German submarines.
1944 – in the status of a military correspondent came to Europe, where he participated in the bombing of Germany and occupied France, and then fought as part of the French partisan detachments.
1950 – the novel “Beyond the river in the shade of trees” was published.
1952 – the story-parable “The Old Man and the Sea”, marked by the national Pulitzer Prize, was published.
1954 – Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize.
1960 – wrote a book of memoirs about his young years in Paris “A holiday that is always with you”. In the last period of his life he worked on the novel “Islands in the Ocean”, which remained unfinished.
Since 1960 – Hemingway suffered a severe depression, which he unsuccessfully tried to treat in specialized clinics.
July 2, 1961 – committed suicide.