Education in the USA

For students – foreigners, according to existing statistics, American universities are the most preferable place of education. Meanwhile, there is simply no single system of education in the US. This is a consequence of the independent legislative activity of each state separately, which determines the policy in the issue of education and training.

It is probable that this is exactly what serves as a positive moment in the development of the system of transferring knowledge and raising its qualitative level. And also an important role is played by state support in the form of subsidizing educational programs. This is confirmed by the Nobel laureates. 70% of them teach at American universities. Along with this, scientific articles and reports, quotations from which are used most often, are 44% owned by authors – teachers from America. Scientific achievements of representatives of other states are much more modest.

American schools are recognized as the most democratic in the world. Along with ordinary, state, institutions there are also other: religious and private. There are also high-paid schools, the diploma of the end of which opens before its owner ample opportunities and prospects to get into the “higher world”. The average fee for studying in the US for the parents of a schoolboy is about 6.5 thousand dollars a year. And the state gives for education indisputably more, because the average salary of an ordinary school teacher is about 40 thousand dollars, and the university teacher – from 70 thousand dollars.

To educational institutions that provide higher education, in America are universities and colleges. There are more than 150 universities throughout the state. World renown was rightfully received by Harvard. Yale. Princeton. Stanford. Columbia University. Dartmouth and many other higher educational institutions of the country. Students are trained in them in law, business, art, science and many other activities. They have the opportunity to independently choose their future specialization, and in accordance with it – the training program. Universities prepare cadres for highly unsolved areas, such as genetics, health care, studying the possibilities of the human body, the sphere of graphic communications and many others.

Like schools, all US universities are divided into private and public. Unlike private ones, where tuition is possible only on a fee basis, students at state universities can receive scholarships, as well as take part in grants. In general, education in these universities is much cheaper.



