The composition of the picture Glazunov “Russia, wake up”

Picture “Russia, wake up!” is deeply permeated with tragedy. Once in an interview Ilya Glazunov mentioned that he is a tragic pessimist, because an optimist is a poorly informed pessimist. But, however, with the

Painting Popkov “Autumn rains”

In the painting “Autumn Rains” by V. Popkov, a man in a black frock coat stands on the porch of the house. In this person, anyone will recognize the great writer Pushkin. His image

Composition on the Miroshnik picture “Old house in the village of Medvedev”

In the picture we can see an old wooden house. He’s already pretty shabby, as he has seen many things in his time. It is made of dark wood, which gives it coziness. On

The Painting Surikov “Suvorov crossing the Alps”

The canvas “The Transition of Suvorov through the Alps” was written by V. Surikov from 1895 to 1899. The work continues the theme of the military heroism of Russian people in history. The plot

Painting by Rylov “Flowery meadow”

Arkady Rylov is an acknowledged master in depicting Russian landscapes, from which I take breath. Of all his works, I liked the painting “Flowery meadow” most of all. This picture is a real hymn

The composition of Perov’s painting “The Birds”

In the autumn of 1870, walking in the woods with his friend, Vasily Perov saw an old man lying on the ground, who silently whistled into the pipe, luring a bird, and next to

Painting by Ulyanov “Stanislavsky at work”

Portrait of Stanislavsky Ulyanov wrote in 1947, when the famous theoretician of the theater was no longer alive. For this painting, the artist received a high state award – the Stalin Prize III degree.

Composition on the picture of Levitan “Dandelions”

Description of the topic: The description of the painting is written in an artistic language, but not too abstruse. It’s just a still life. The artist snatched dandelions, put it in a vase and

The composition of the film Vrubel “fortune-teller”

The prototype of “Fortuneteller” is Carmen from the same name by Bizet, to whom Vrubel was carried away in 1892. He was inspired by the theme of fate, favorite in symbolism, destiny predestined. Korovin

The Painting Savrasov “Thaw”

A special place in the creative work of AK Savrasov is occupied by the spring landscapes. Some such pictures tell of the joy of awakening nature, others – full of aching sadness. One of
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