Countries in North America

The political map of North America in general terms was formed at the beginning of the 20th century. Now in the region there are 37 states and territories. Of these, 23 are sovereign states, the rest are in the possession or under the tutelage of other states. Canada stands out for the area. USA and Mexico. In the extreme south and islands of the Caribbean Sea, many small states and dependent territories.

The largest population in the United States. They are inferior to this indicator only to China and India. The USA and Canada are among the most highly developed countries in the world. The rest of the region is developing countries.

The United States is the most economically developed country in the world. The US territory consists of three parts. The largest in the center of the mainland. It covers 48 states. The forty-ninth state is Alaska, and the fiftieth Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean. In the US, only 5% of the world’s population lives, and 25% of the world’s output is produced. The country has large land, water, forest, mineral resources.

In the United States formed a special nation – the US Americans. It consists mainly of Americans of European descent and African Americans. The Indians have only 1.9 million people. Many migrants from different countries of the world live in the country. The first Ukrainians arrived in the USA in 1876. They were immigrants from the Carpathian region. Now in the US live about 1.5 million Ukrainians and people of Ukrainian origin. The country is well-developed in all areas of industry and agriculture, whose products are exported to all parts of the world. The United States is Ukraine’s largest trading partner in the Western Hemisphere. Trade agreements have been concluded between the countries. The US finances certain industrial, agricultural projects for the development of the economy of Ukraine, as well as cultural ones. Our country participates in international space projects. The capital of the USA is Washington. The largest city in the country is New York.

The largest state on the mainland is Canada. On this indicator, it is inferior only to Russia in the world.

The vast majority of the population of Canada, like the United States, consists of European immigrants and their descendants. The two main nations in the country are Anglo-Canadians and French-Canadians. The Indians and Eskimos make up only 2% of the inhabitants. In the Canal, a significant Ukrainian diaspora has 1.2 million people. Canada is one of the least populated countries in the world. On its vast territory there are 32.8 million people, which is 1.5 times less than in Ukraine. The population is mainly concentrated in the east and along the border with the United States.

Canada effectively uses its enormous natural resources: fertile land, deposits of black and nonferrous metals, energy of rivers, forest resources. As for the export of agricultural products, Canada takes the leading place in the world. Canada has economic ties with Ukraine. In Ukraine, there are joint Canadian-Ukrainian enterprises, including agricultural ones. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.



