Confucius and Kikoan Shi

Eternity left words and thoughts. The fact that a happy family is the basis of a happy state. The fact that the son must honor his father, the wife is the husband, the husband is the wife and the son. The fact that love and respect in the family are the first virtues. On the ground there were bitter reflections that “a woman has the mind of a hen, an extraordinary woman has the mind of two hens”. And divorce.

In the time of Confucius, the Chinese divorce looked simple: take the wife, take her to the parents’ house and leave home with a light heart, Confucius did this: a few years after the birth of his son, he suddenly took and returned Kikoan Shi to her elderly parents. Why? History is silent: the students of Confucius did not like to talk about the divorce of Teacher, because this deplorable fact was contrary to his shining teachings.

From the unfortunate love story there were only scrappy mentions.

The fact that a nineteen-year-old Confucius, a modest sales clerk in the market, married a modest girl from the neighboring kingdom of Sung.

The fact that, apparently, the young initially lived in the family of her parents, because Confucius had neither the means nor the position in society, but life with his mother-in-law is at all times and in all countries is not easy.

The fact that Kikoan Shi was not very happy with the fact that her husband instead of career growth is occupied with reflections and conversations.

The fact that Confucius was strict and captious in his everyday life: he did not tolerate excessive chatter and empty conversations, sincerely believed that a decent person can not snore, severely condemned various human weaknesses and did not skimp on the evaluation.

The fact that soon the fame of Confucius and his wisdom spread to the Kingdoms, he received gifts from rulers and officials, the family moved to their homes, but this did not add to the happiness of the young.

The experience of family life gave birth to such a maxim: “In your own home it is difficult to deal with women and servants.” Approach them-they will become cheeky, they will be removed-they will hate. ” Of two evils, swagger and hatred, Confucius decided to choose the latter. And he removed the woman. Forever.

The example was contagious: neither the son of Confucius Lee Bo Yu, nor his grandson ever built a happy family – all their marriages ended in divorce.

How can I not remember the famous Socrates who said: “A good wife will come – you will become happy, you will get a bad one – you will become a philosopher”.

So Eternity should be grateful to Kikoan Shi for Confucius.



