In my opinion, speech is one of the most important ways of communication. Every day we talk with different people, and everyone expresses their emotions through speech. In the manner of talking a person, we can make an impression of him. Let’s discuss with you what is actually a culture of speech. The culture of speech is observance of the rules of the literary language, the use of right intonations.
Speech is a reflection of the inner world of man. When we are bad or good, we always try to share this with a neighbor. With the help of sincere mood, we convey the right mood of the dialogue. On the one hand, a person’s speech, not only a reflection of his inner world and thoughts, but on the other hand is an indicator of how a person relates to the world around him. I also think that speech is the ability to use the richness of a literary language.
During the dialogue, not everyone follows their speech. But, there are people for whom it is very important. People who follow their culture of speech, most often those who have received a good education, are well-read, properly educated. It seems to me that the culture of speech will help to avoid conflict with man. During a dialogue with a person, it is strictly forbidden to interrupt him, even if your interlocutor is not right. In order not to seem stupid in dialogues with people, it is necessary to raise your level of speech by reading a book. Also, besides the fact that a person should have a well-spoken speech, he must also be able to listen.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is worthwhile to state your thoughts briefly and clearly. If you do not quite understand what the topic is about, you should try to translate the topic neatly or keep silent in the place where you do not know what to answer. It is worth telling the truth, it is not always important as it is said, it is important that it is said. Most people are attracted to the right speech. Multiple repetitions (tautology) – all this leaves not very good impressions.
It is worth remembering the gold correctly – “First think, then say.” It is also worth cleaning your vocabulary from “garbage”, “words of parasites”. We can talk for a long time about the magic of greetings, but the concept is all different, some came to us from the Old Slavonic way of life… If we go deeper into history, we can learn that in Ukraine children called their parents “you”, which indicated high respect for close people. Remember, respect for your interlocutor is a very important criterion.