Water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface. This is a very important resource for people and the environment. One of the most acute problems of modern life is pollution and especially water pollution. Many people can not drink water from the rivers near which they live, and also drink tap water, because most of the seas and rivers are used as dumps for industrial and nuclear waste. These substances are harmful to living organisms. As a result, water is poisoned, which kills fish and marine animals. When animals eat other animals that are already infected, chemicals are passed up the food chain and become even more harmful. Moreover, this infected fish can be eaten by a person, which will cause various diseases. Water pollution destroys ecosystems.
Pollutants include fertilizers and pesticides, food waste, lead and other heavy metals, and various chemicals.
However, we must take care of our future and the future of our children. Today there are more and more organizations that are fighting for clean water. They arrange protests against large factories that pollute rivers, seas and lakes. What can we do to prevent water pollution? First of all, we should not just throw garbage, we need to find garbage cans. We should use water wisely – do not keep the tap open when we do not use it. Moreover, we can try to reduce the amount of water used when washing or taking a bath. Another good idea is to buy environmentally friendly detergents that we use at home – all these measures can help prevent water pollution.
Composition on “Water Pollution”